5.Don't Eat Too Much (Sugary) Fruit
There's no denying it -- fruit contains sugar. A lot of it. Think of biting into a fresh, juicy peach or pear, and all of that sweet juice exploding in your mouth (or dribbling down your chin). Is it really so bad for you?
No. True, there's a lot of sugar in fruit. But it's natural sugar, or fructose, which is far healthier than added sugar. Fructose isn't the only thing you'll find in that peach or pear, though. Fruit is also filled with fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients that are great for your body, helping it fight disease, stabilize your blood sugar and more. Fruit is also considered a low-density food, which means it makes you feel full and satisfied. This is a positive, because if you're satiated, you won't eat too much fruit, nor will you be tempted to start noshing on something else that might not be nearly as healthy (say, a chewy chocolate chip cookie). So load up on fruit with no worries.
4.Sugar Causes Tooth Decay
Ever go trick-or-treating at your dentist's home as a kid, only to receive a pencil or sticker because, your dentist said, candy (sugar) will rot your teeth? Your dentist wasn't totally wrong. If your teeth come in contact with sugary foods and drinks, decay can result. But that's only if those sugary substances sit on your teeth for a long time. Further, your teeth can also be damaged if all sorts of other foods are in contact with them for prolonged periods -- fruit, for example, or bread or oatmeal. Even healthy veggies can wreak havoc on your teeth. Here's why:
A substance called plaque is what causes cavities. Plaque starts forming on your teeth the minute you eat or drink something. If you don't get rid of it, it will eventually erode the enamel on your teeth, creating tiny holes that are the very start of cavities. To prevent tooth decay, then, it's best to brush your teeth after eating. Even rinsing your mouth with water can help. If you've eaten foods that can easily get stuck in your teeth, like raisins, dry cereal, popcorn or raspberries, a thorough job of brushing, flossing and rinsing your teeth is critical.
3.Sugar Causes Hyperactivity
What parent of little ones hasn't heard that eating too much sugar will cause her kids to get too keyed up, or a bit hyper? And it often seems anecdotally true. Watch as kids scarf down candy, cake and soda at a birthday party, then promptly run wild all over the place, screeching and screaming. But do we ever stop to think that maybe they're just overstimulated by the excitement of the birthday party itself? Or ponder the fact that lots of adults pig out on sugary snacks and desserts with no similar aftereffects?
There have been extensive studies about the relationship between sugar and hyperactivity, and no link has been found between the two. A group of researchers further reviewed several reputable studies and concluded that sugar in children's diets doesn't affect their behavior, apart from a small subset of kids. Interestingly, another study, published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, asked mothers of boys whom they thought were "sugar-sensitive" to rate their sons' behavior after they'd had soda. The mothers of the boys who'd had a sugar-filled soda thought their children's behavior was more hyperactive than the boys who'd been given an artificially sweetened soda. The trick was that all the kids in the study had been given an artificially sweetened drink, meaning that the behavior was based on perception rather than sugar.
2.Sugar Causes Obesity
A lot of people equate obesity with sugar: candy, ice cream, pastries and the like. If you're fat, the thinking goes, surely it's because you eat a lot of sugary desserts. Those a little more versed in nutrition often warn against eating too much starchy food (potatoes, rice, cereal) because your body changes starches into sugar -- and eating sugar piles on the pounds. However, this is not true. If it was, people who ate a lot of rice (say, the Japanese) or pasta (the Italians) would be among the world's fattest people. But guess what? They're some of the slimmest.
Here's the thing. If you eat a lot of sugary foods, like cake and cookies, and drink sugary sodas and juice, you will gain weight. But that's because you're ingesting a lot of calories, period, not because sugar is inherently fattening. If your overall calorie count is within a healthy range, eating sugar is not going to create love handles or a jelly belly.
1.Sugar Causes Diabetes
One of the more prevalent sugar myths is that it causes diabetes. This misconception likely occurs because diabetics' blood sugar levels are often out of whack, so they have to watch their sugar intake. But in general, there is no direct cause and effect between sugar consumption and the development of diabetes with one exception, which we'll discuss in a minute.
There are three main types of diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes develops if your body's pancreas can't make insulin. Insulin is a hormonethat takes the sugar from the foods we eat and allows it to enter our tissues, where our body can use it as fuel, or energy. If your pancreas is making insulin, but it's not enough or the insulin doesn't work properly, you'll have Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes typically occurs in people who are overweight, inactive and eat a diet high in calories from any source, not just sweets. Some pregnant women develop gestational diabetes when the hormonal changes from pregnancy affect the way their insulin works.
So what's the exception to the sugar-diabetes linkage? People who regularly down lots of sugary drinks (sugar-sweetened soda, fruit drinks) are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. Of course, many people who guzzle sugary drinks are overweight and eat poorly, two factors that can cause Type 2, but studies show even those who are trim and eat healthily are more likely to develop diabetes if they're also drinking lots of sugary drinks.
翻译:夏久梅 审校:晴晴晴天 来源:前十网