Our world is a strange place. No sooner do we feel we've come to grips with it than it starts throwing weird fireballs or creepy rock formations our way, and freaks us out all over again. Go looking in the right place and you might even find something as unexpected or bizarre as the following.
10.The Erotic Rock Valley--Turkey
Far out in the dry and dusty plains of Anatolia lies one of Turkey's biggest tourist draws: Cappadocia. A UNESCO World Heritage site of ancient rock homes, underground churches, and Byzantine art, it's probably one of the most historically important areas in the Middle East. So, it's kind of strange to discover it's also home to a forest of gigantic stone dildos.
You read that right. Thanks to a long history of geological upheaval, rocks around the little town of Goreme have fashioned themselves into all kinds of weird shapes. Nowhere have these shapes been weirder than in Love Valley. Sticking straight up into the sky, and crowned with slightly conical bulges at the top, the rocks here look more or less exactly like Ron Jeremy's junk on steroids. The entire valley is full of them—enormous stone wangs, stretching off into the distance as far as the eye can see. Unsurprisingly, the area is now a favorite destination for European frat boys to go and take amusingly suggestive photos.
9.The Devil's Bath--New Zealand
Ask a kid to draw you a radioactive pool, and you'll probably wind up with something like the Devil's Bath in New Zealand. A small lake in the Taupo Volcanic Zone near Rotorua, the pool is filled with water that glows a bright and unnatural green.
让一个小孩画一个放射性的池子,你可能最终会得到像新西兰魔鬼的浴场一样的画。在罗托鲁瓦附近的陶波火山带有一个小湖, 湖里注满了水,发出明亮且不自然的绿色。
Since this is a volcanic zone, you can probably guess what causes the Bath's unnatural color. The whole thing sits over vast deposits of sulfur that break off and float to the top, giving the surface its distinctive hue. This ensures the stagnant waters never look like anything other than radioactive slime. It also ensures they stink to high heaven. In fact, the whole zone has such a thick, rotten egg smell that even guidebooks have compared the atmosphere to walking into the aftermath of a gigantic, infernal fart.The Devil's Bath isn't the only lake on Earth to achieve such a deep green color. Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai in Indonesia also looks like a secret nuclear dumping site.
因为这里是火山区,你大概能猜到是什么引起池子不自然的颜色。 整个事情是由于大量的硫磺散落或漂浮在水上面,使湖的表面有着独特的色调。这保证了这些死水看上去很像放射性的泥,同时臭气熏天。事实上,整个区域有一股浓厚的臭鸡蛋味,以至于旅行指南上将这种氛围比作行走在地狱般的巨屁余波之后。魔鬼的浴场并不是地球上唯一有着极深绿色的胡泊。印度尼西亚的克里穆图火山也像是一个秘密的核倾倒堆。
8.Desert Glass--Libya and Egypt
The last place on Earth you'd expect to find anything is the Libyan desert. The most inhospitable part of the already inhospitable Sahara, it's the sort of place where you can expect to encounter sand, rock, and nothing else. But go to one specific area and start digging in the sand, and you might well find one of the region's most mysterious artifacts: Libyan glass.
如果你还想在世界上寻找什么,那么最后一个地方一定是利比亚沙漠。已经荒凉无比的沙哈拉最荒凉的地方,在这样的地方除了沙子,石栎什么都没有。但是去一个特定的地区,开始在那里挖沙子,你就很可能会发现这个地区最神秘的物件: 利比亚玻璃。
Large lumps of yellow silica, this glass has been confounding locals for millennia. The Aterian people used it to make tools and weapons. The Ancient Egyptians made elaborate jewelry from it. In the 1930s, the first Western explorers stumbled across it and tried to figure out what could possibly have caused it. Today, it's widely assumed that the glass was created by a long-ago meteor or comet crash superheating the sand to around 2,000 degrees Celsius (3,600° F). What the glassy desert must've looked like in the minutes immediately following the impact we can only imagine.
7.Franz Gsellmann's Weltmaschine--Austria
7.Franz Gsellmann的世界机器——奥地利
Tucked away in a small barn in Austria, the Weltmaschine (World Machine) may be one of the oddest projects undertaken in human history. A whirring, brightly colored collection of interlocking spokes, wheels, and gizmos, it was built by Franz Gsellmann over the course of 20 years for reasons that no one can explain.
在奥地利的一个小谷仓里, Weltmaschine(世界机器)可能是人类历史上从事的最奇怪的项目之一。收集着环环相扣,色彩鲜艳的条幅,滚动的车轮和一些新玩意,这是Franz Gsellmann历时20年建造出来的,但其制造原因却无人能解释。
In 1958, Gsellmann—a poor farmer's son with no training in engineering or mechanics—saw a scale model of an atom at the Brussels World Exposition. Utterly fascinated, he instantly purchased it, returned to Austria, threw everything out of his barn, and placed the model in the very center. And then he began to build. For the next 20 years, Gsellmann secretly constructed his bizarre contraption around the atom model, adding in bells, clocks, fans, conveyor belts, whistles, chains, and even a xylophone. Plastic models of Joseph and Mary, an iron rooster, a spaceship, a tiny windmill, Christmas lights, and a toy gondola were also included, along with a whole heap of other stuff too insane to mention here. He kept the whole thing secret from his family until it was nearly finished. Then, he unexpectedly died without telling anyone what it was for. Today, there are many theories about why Gsellmann dedicated the best part of his life to his crazy machine. Perhaps the most poetic one is that he thought it would reveal the innermost workings of the human soul.
6.Lake Abraham's Deadly Bubbles--Canada
Lake Abraham in Canada doesn't necessarily sound like the sort of place worth visiting. But make your way there during winter, and you'll come face-to-face with one of the simultaneously coolest and deadliest natural phenomena in the Americas. Beneath the frozen surface of the lake, flammable bubbles of methane gas bump up against the ice, just waiting for someone to light a spark and set them off.
Caused by bacteria feeding on decaying animal and plant matter, the methane bubbles usually rise to the surface without anyone ever noticing. But, in winter, they turn into white sacks of gas suspended at all sorts of angles in the frozen water. The results are unbelievably awesome towers of bubbles (like those above), trapped beneath the surface of the lake, where any walker can get a clear view of them. This annual show has led to Abraham Lake becoming one of the biggest photography hotspots in Canada.
翻译:乔梦月 来源:前十网