When Jennifer Schuur Herbert passes a rack of tabloid magazines in her Los Angeles neighborhood, she is often reminded of what can happen in even the most glamorous Hollywood marriages.
每当詹妮弗·舒尔·赫伯特(Jennifer Schuur Herbert)走过洛杉矶家附近放满花边杂志的报刊架,她总会忍不住想,那些看似最美好的好莱坞婚姻之下到底会发生什么呢。
“He Cheated With Their Nanny!” trumpets the Nov. 23 cover of Us Weekly, with a glamour shot of Gwen Stefani and the promise of details of how her former husband, Gavin Rossdale, the lead singer for the band Bush, had a three-year fling with Melinda Mann, the babysitter for their three sons.
11月23日《美国周刊》(Us Weekly)的封面是格温·史蒂芬妮(Gwen Stefani)的漂亮照片,标题是醒目的“他和保姆出轨!”,还许诺内文提供大量细节,讲一讲她的前夫,“灌木”(Bush)乐队主唱盖文·罗斯戴尔(Gavin Rossdale)是怎么和他们三个儿子的保姆玛琳达·曼恩(Melinda Mann)保持了三年的婚外情关系。
This cover comes just three months after the magazine printed photos of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, looking dour, with one of Christine Ouzounian, the winsome 28-year-old who had cared for their three children, along with the ominous phrase: “He’s Dating the Nanny!”
三个月前,这家杂志还登出了本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)与詹妮弗·加纳(Jennifer Garner)的照片,两人看上去闷闷不乐,此外还有一幅克里斯蒂娜·乌祖尼安(Christine Ouzounian)的照片,这个28岁的漂亮姑娘曾经照顾过她们的三个孩子,标题是触目惊心的“他和保姆约会!”
At least since Rebecca De Mornay starred in “The Hand That Rocks the Cradle,” the nanny — once a no-nonsense figure in starched petticoats, à la Mary Poppins — has been regarded in the popular imagination as a potential home wrecker.
“保姆”一度被视为一个严肃的形象,总是穿着古板的衬裙,有点像玛丽·波平斯(Mary Poppins),但是,至少是自从瑞贝卡·德·莫尼(Rebecca De Mornay)在影片《推动摇篮的手》(The Hand That Rocks the Cradle)中饰演了一个保姆以后,这个职业就成了大众想象中的潜在“小三”。
Real-life stories, alas, have born out this primal fear: Robin Williams divorced his first wife in 1988 and married the babysitter, Marsha Garces. (Ms. Garces divorced him in 2010.) Ethan Hawke divorced Uma Thurman in 2005 and married their children’s nanny, too. Later, Jude Law split with his fiancée, Sienna Miller, after an affair with his children’s nanny.
唉,真实生活中的故事一再证实这种原始的恐惧:1988年,罗宾·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)和第一任妻子离婚,娶了保姆玛莎·加西斯(Marsha Garces),不过两人在2010年离婚了。2005年,伊桑·霍克(Ethan Hawke)和乌玛·瑟曼(Uma Thruman)离婚,也是娶了孩子们的保姆。后来,裘德·洛(Jude Law)和保姆有了一段风流韵事之后,同未婚妻西耶娜·米勒(Sienna Miller)分手了。
Ms. Herbert, happily married for four years with two children and a nanny to oversee them, said it has crossed her mind that her husband may one day find a sitter attractive. But, she said, if she and her husband are worrying about whether a nanny is too hot to hire, there are bigger problems afoot.
“I come at it from a pretty practical place,” said Ms. Herbert, who is a television writer and producer. “If my husband has a wandering eye, he has a wandering eye. And I can’t guard against that.”
But some famous wives have been trying to recruit caretakers with an eye toward reducing temptation — perhaps realizing that the nondisclosure agreements that have become standard among the wealthy do not protect them from embarrassing photos posted on the Internet, like those of Ms. Ouzounian riding on a private jet to Las Vegas with Mr. Affleck or in the pool at the Hotel Bel-Air.
但是,有些名人妻子们试着雇佣不那么漂亮的保姆,可能是觉得富人中通行的保密协议也不能防止互联网上出现令人尴尬的照片,比如乌祖尼安与阿尔弗莱德乘坐私人飞机去往洛杉矶的照片,或者在贝尔艾尔酒店(Hotel Bel-Air)泳池旁边的照片。
“We get those requests all the time, ‘I don’t want someone pretty,’” said Katie Provinziano, the founder of Westside Nannies in Beverly Hills, Calif., an agency that places nannies with celebrity clients. “People are picky. They tell you what they want.”
“我们总是听到这样的要求,‘我不要长得漂亮的’,”“西侧保姆”(Westside Nannies)的创始人凯蒂·普洛文齐亚诺(Katie Provinziano)说,这家机构坐落在加利福尼亚州的比弗利山庄(Beverly Hills),是专为名人客户提供保姆的中介。“人们都是挑挑拣拣,他们会告诉你他们想要什么。”
As on dating sites, they sometimes also rule out candidates based on weight. “They don’t want someone who looks out of place with the family,” Ms. Provinziano said.
“But we can’t discriminate based on those factors,” she said. “It’s our job to take that mom and tell her, ‘You can’t have that conversation.’”
Kenya Hathaway, a musician and vocal coach for television shows, has never talked with her husband about celebrity nannies, even in light of the unraveling marriages of the Afflecks and Rossdales.
肯娅·海瑟薇(Kenya Hathaway)是一位音乐家和电视节目的声乐教练,虽然知道阿弗莱克和罗斯戴尔婚变的事,但她从来没和丈夫讨论过名人保姆的话题。
“I’m not a supermodel and he knows that, and he’s the same way,” she said. They hire a nanny for their two daughters only when they are both working, and that person does not live in their home.
Still, it is not uncommon to hear stories, she said, including from nannies themselves. “I’ve had nannies who have said they were scrutinized and told to tone it down,” she said. “That’s horrible that wives feel a little bit threatened.”
Devon Bookman, 27, a former nanny in Los Angeles, said she used to play down her looks when going to an interview, wearing conservative khakis from Old Navy, natural makeup and her hair up, she said, “so I didn’t look like a blond bombshell.” Only after knowing the family for six months would she wear something casual, like skinny jeans.
27岁的德文·布克曼曾在洛杉矶当过保姆,她说她去面试时总是刻意不打扮,穿Old Navy品牌的保守的卡其布衣服,化淡妆,把头发扎起来。她说,“这样看上去就不像金发性感尤物了。”直到在某个家庭工作了六个月,她才会穿点随意的衣服,比如瘦腿牛仔裤。
Lindsay Heller, a.k.a. the Nanny Doctor, a clinical psychologist who is a consultant to families and their nannies, has counseled several couples whose husbands have cheated with a younger, attractive nanny. “If a parent is lacking in the relationship with their partner or wife, all of a sudden they have someone making their breakfast, and talking about picking up the kids,” she said. “I’ve seen people who won’t hire a hot nanny because they are worried about what their husbands will do.”
林赛·海勒(Lindsay Heller),又名“保姆医生”(Nanny Doctor),是一位临床心理医生,为家庭和保姆提供咨询服务,她接待过好几对夫妇,都是丈夫和年轻漂亮的保姆出轨。“如果一位家长缺乏与伴侣或者妻子的交流,然后突然间,有人给他们做早餐,跟他们说自己可以去接孩子,”她说。“我见过妻子们担心丈夫出轨,所以不愿意雇漂亮的保姆。”
She added that many celebrity or wealthy mothers prefer older nannies not out of jealousy, but because they want a professional uninterested in becoming a member of the Gulfstream entourage or using the job as a steppingstone to becoming an entertainer.
“There are nannies whose identities get lost and absorbed into their jobs,” Ms. Heller said. “They think they should be living a lifestyle that they have become accustomed to.”
One woman who works at a media company in Los Angeles but declined to be named to protect her family’s privacy said she hired a young nanny for a two-day tryout but decided not to give her a full-time job because the nanny had been taking care of a singer’s children on tour and wanted the fast-paced, go-go lifestyle of a rock star.
“That wasn’t going to work,” she said. “We live in suburbia.”
Instead, she hired a 50-something woman with children of her own who worked for a family for 16 years. “She doesn’t want to be a mom and she doesn’t want to sleep with my husband,” said the woman, who has a toddler. “She has a family in Long Beach. We wanted someone with a life of her own.”
When a sitter does contribute to a split, though, Ms. Heller said she encourages children to create a “goodbye” book to give to the nanny and come up with a rehearsed answer if asked if their parents are getting divorced.
“It is worse in Hollywood because it’s in every single magazine on the newsstand and kids talk about it at school,” she said. “Their loyalties are split and they are confused.”
The rising class of Silicon Valley parents up north, meanwhile, professed disinterest in such tabloid dramas.
“We don’t really think about it,” said Brit Morin, the founder of Brit & Co., a craft and editorial website in San Francisco. She hired a nanny for her son, Ansel, through an agency.
“我们从没想过这些,”Brit & Co.的创始人布里特·莫林(Brit Morin)说,这是旧金山一家工艺与编辑网站。她通过中介为儿子安塞尔(Ansel)雇了一个保姆。
But in the Bay Area and elsewhere, the business of child care has been co-opted by online services like Care.com or Urbansitter.com that resemble Tinder for the nanny set, with head shots, ages and capsule descriptions of interests.
“People are lured by the ‘Uber’ nanny,” said Daryl Camarillo, the founder of Stanford Park Nannies, which, along with Town & Country, is well respected among technology executives. “They go ‘click click,’ and they see someone that looks nice and think, ‘Now I can get back to work.’”
“人们受这种‘优步保姆’的吸引,”“斯坦福公园保姆”(Stanford Park Nannies)的创始人达利尔·卡马里洛(Daryl Camarillo)说,这家中介和“城镇与村庄”(Town & Country)一样,在技术高管当中很受欢迎。“他们点击一下,就能找到看上去挺不错的保姆,觉得,‘这下我可以安心工作了’。”
At Stanford Park, she said, nanny candidates are vetted, with only one out of 10 applicants added to the roster. Families are schooled that when a nanny is present, the home is a workplace. (“That’s so Dad doesn’t walk downstairs in his underwear,” she said.)
“When we present candidates, we don’t present a photo,” Ms. Camarillo said. “So there isn’t an opportunity for people to say: ‘Whoa, she’s awfully pretty. We don’t want her to come.’” Besides, she said, “if the mom is concerned about what the nanny looks like, she should ask herself why she feels that way and look inside her marriage before hiring anyone.”
And, as Ms. Provinziano of Westside Nannies put it, don’t blame it all on the babysitter. “If cheating is going to happen, it’s going to happen,” she said, “whether it’s the nanny or not.”