10. 微软CEO纳德拉(Satya Nadella)
Nadella 23年如一日在微软兢兢业业,去年出任微软第三任CEO,成功推出Windows 10, 发布仅3个月用户访问量破1亿。
As the Microsoft's third CEO last year, Satya Nadella used to bea Microsoft veteran of 23 years. He successfully released Windows 10, a huge hit that attracted over 110 million users in three months.
9.特斯拉以及SpaceX公司CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)
迄今为止Elon Musk已参与投资了18个项目,其中最著名的两家公司当属特斯拉汽车公司和私营航天技术公司SpaceX。
The man has invested in, founded, or run18 companies to date, including two of the most innovative technology firms in America: Tesla Motors and SpaceX.
8. 甲骨文创始人兼执行董事长拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison)
尽管甲骨文创始人、亿万富翁Larry Ellison已于去年卸任CEO一职,但还是忙到根本停不下来,继续担任公司的主席和首席技术官,身价超过500亿美元。
Oracle's billionaire cofounder Larry Ellison stepped down as the company's CEO last year, but hasn't pumped the brakes. He still serves as chairman and CTO of the $38 billion (sales) database and software titan. Ellison holds a fortune of nearly $50 billion.
7. 苹果CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)
全球最赚钱IT企业的掌门人库克当然名列前茅,苹果公司市值6450亿美元,令人望尘莫及。最新苹果产品iPhone 6S、iPhone 6S Plus推出仅一周,销售量就突破1300万部,再次刷新纪录。
Tim Cook runs the most valuable company on the planet in Apple, which is worth $645 billion. At the company's annual fall event, Cook unveiled the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus, which sold 13 million units in the first weekend, shattering previous records.
6. 阿里巴巴创始人兼董事局主席马云
Alibaba founder and CEO Jack Ma broke records with the e-commercecompany's $25 billion initial public offeringin 2014. Ma, who has a net worth of more than$25.6 billion.