Most schools are trying hard to upgrade their lunch programs and offer the best food they can. But not every school cafeteria provides appealing, healthy lunch choices. Educate yourself when it comes to what your cafeteria has to offer. For example, did you know chicken nuggets have more fat and calories than a plain burger?
Even if your school provides healthy options, it can be too easy to give in to temptation and pick a less healthy choice when you're feeling really hungry. How do you take control? Take a packed lunch to school!
Here are the top 5 reasons to pack your lunch — and snacks — at least twice a week:
1. Control. Do you ever wait in the lunch line only to find when you get to the front that you don't like what they're serving? So you reach for pizza again. A healthy packed lunch lets you avoid the lunch line (and any temptations). Bringing your own lunch also lets you control exactly what goes into the food you eat.
2. Variety. It doesn't hurt to cave in and enjoy the occasional serving of pizza and hot dogs. But if you're eating these foods all the time, your body probably feels ready for a change. A packed lunch a couple of times a week means you can enjoy some favorites that you might not find at every school — like a piping hot thermos of your mom's chicken soup; hummus and pita bread; or some crisp, farm-stand apples.
3. Energy. If you have a big game or activity after school, plan a lunch and snacks that combine lean proteins with carbohydrates to give you lasting energy and keep you going through the late afternoon. Some ideas: your own "trail" mix of dried fruit and nuts or sunflower seeds, whole-grain pretzels and low-fat cheese, or a bagful of baby carrots and yogurt dip.
4. Cold hard cash. Pack healthy snacks so you don't feel tempted to step off campus for a fast-food lunch, or hit the vending machine or corner store for chocolate and a soda! Put the money you save on such snacks aside.
5. That warm and fuzzy feeling. Remember when your mom or dad used to pack your lunch? Pack yourself a retro lunch featuring healthy versions of your old faves — such as PB&J on whole-wheat bread.
Whether you pack or eat in the cafeteria, what’s important is that you make healthy choices. If you're concerned that your cafeteria doesn't offer enough healthy choices, get involved in trying to make changes. Ask a teacher or someone in food service for advice on how to get started.
即使学校为学生们提供健康膳食,可是当你真的感觉到饿的时候,你很有可能难以抗拒美味诱惑,而选择不太健康的食物。 那你怎么予以控制呢? 那就自带午餐到学校吧!
1. 控制饮食。你有没有试过排队等午餐,在轮到你的时候才发现,他们所提供的菜式你都不想吃。因此你又一次去吃披萨了。一份健康的自带午餐,可让你避免排队等午餐(以及一些其他的诱惑)。自带午餐,也可以让您严格控制自己摄入的食物。
2. 口味多样。这并不影响你偶尔对诱惑妥协,享受一顿披萨和热狗。但是如果你总是吃这些食品,你可能会感觉到你的身体开始出现一些不良变化。一个星期自带午餐几次,意味着可以享受一些你喜欢的而可能无法在学校中找到的食物——比如一杯保温瓶装的妈妈炖的热鸡汤;皮塔面包配鹰嘴豆泥;或是一些脆爽新鲜的苹果。
3. 能量。如果你放学后要参加一个大的游戏或活动,那么就要在午餐及点心时,吃一些含有蛋白质与碳水化合物相结合的食物,来提供你持久的能量和保持你整个下午都精力充沛。提供一些好主意:就是混合一些干果和坚果或葵花籽,全麦椒盐卷饼和低脂奶酪,或许多小胡萝卜和酸奶,然后用面包蘸来吃。
4. 节省现金。自带健康的小吃,让您不会因为受到诱惑而离开校园去吃一个快餐午餐,或者去按自动售票机或去碰街口商店的巧克力和苏打水。把你花在零食的钱节省起来存起来吧。
5. 温暖模糊的回忆。记得曾几何时,爸爸妈妈帮你准备午餐便当的情景吗?为自己准备一份和以前一样的午餐吧,满满装着自己以前最喜欢的健康食物——像全麦面包做的PB&J三明治。