15.Uber创始人兼CEO特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)
全球即时用车软件Uber由Travis Kalanick创立,目前市值突破500亿美元,Travis Kalanick也是个不折不扣的亿万富翁,个人资产超过32亿美元。
Worth a whopping $51 billion, ride-hailing service Uber is currently themost valuable private company in tech. And at its helm sits CEO Travis Kalanick, the often embattled billionaire who is worthmore than $3.2 billion.
14. 惠普总裁兼CEO惠特曼(Meg Whitman)
Meg Whitman是为数不多上榜的女性科技大佬,现担任Hewlett Packard Enterprise总裁兼CEO,管理主营个人和打印业务的“惠普公司”,2010年参与竞选加州州长失利。
Whitman now serves as CEO of new brand Hewlett Packard Enterprise, which will focus on software and tech services, and chairman of HP Inc., which will center on personal computers and printers. In 2010, she unsuccessfully ran for governor of California, famously spending more of her own money on the campaign.
13. 腾讯公司首席执行官马化腾
Ma Huateng is the founder and CEO of Tencent Holdings. He's also one of the richest people in the country with a net worth of nearly $19 billion. It launched mobile-messaging app Weixin in 2011and has been regularly adding new, innovative features.
12. IBM董事长兼CEO罗睿兰(Ginni Rometty)
Ginni Rometty是IBM的首位女性总裁兼CEO,去年一上任就宣布放弃已执行多年的每股收益20美元的目标。
Last year, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty had to break some tough news as the tech company would be abandoning its years-long promise to hit $20 earnings per share by 2015.
11. 百度CEO李彦宏
There's a trio of internet kings in China,collectively known as "BAT"— Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent. For his part, Robin Li commands the market in internet search as chairman and CEO of Baidu, China's Google equivalent. His net worth is upward of $11 billion.