Find yourself sniffling over a cute puppy video? For some, crying isn't a rare occurrence. The tears can flow for seemingly no reason at all, and although people may accuse you of being too sensitive, experts say there may be an actual scientific reason why you're more tearful than your dry-eyed friends.
There isn't a definitive reason as to why some of us cry more than the average person, but experts point to a range of factors including gender and whether a person may have experienced trauma in their past. Men are predisposed to avoid crying, since doing so can interfere with the way peers perceive them.
And while it's true that some women are more prone to waterworks during that time of the month, other factors that may come into play include birth control pills and hormonal fluctuations that can occur around menopause.
Of course it's also no surprise that if you're bogged down at work and aren't getting enough sleep, that can also play into why your tear ducts are working in overdrive. The solution? Make sure you're getting eight hours of sleep at night and try meditation or yoga to bring stress levels down.
But even if you do end up weeping a little too often, don't fret. According to a Health.com article, "past studies have found that crying can have soothing, mood-boosting effects."
If your crying is becoming a persistent problem though, talk to your doctor as it may be a sign of depression.
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