James Bond Themes 5. "Live and Let Die" by Paul McCartney and Wings
Big and brassy! Paul McCartney (yes, yes, and also Wings) ushered in a new era of James Bond movies with the theme to Live and Let Die, sending the series careening into a 1970s musical sound as the franchise rebranded itself with a new leading man, Roger Moore. This is an almost maniacally excited song. The melody shifts and spirals and builds and sinks and hardly gives the listener a chance to get their bearings. It's a thrill.
James Bond Themes 4. "Thunderball" by Tom Jones
The lyrics are stupid, but who cares? Tom Jones sings like nobody's business, and pounds the theme to Thunderball out with a silky energy. It's powerful but alluring. This is the sort of song you imagine Bond would play on a jukebox when he's about to seduce you. There are better James Bond theme songs, but none from a male singer. Tom Jones and James Bond probably go out for dry martinis together all the time. They're the perfect pair.
James Bond Themes 3. "Skyfall" by Adele
It's almost TOO good. Soulful and aching and grand, Adele's theme to Skyfall is stunningly performed, and gives the distinct impression that someone tried to make the ultimate James Bond theme and had the talent to back it up. History and sensuousness have elevated two songs higher than Adele's contribution, at least in our eyes, but not by much.
James Bond Themes 2. "GoldenEye" by Tina Turner
Bono and The Edge collaborated with Tina Turner on this, the sultriest James Bond song ever. This is a song sung by someone you will be attracted to, damn it, and for whom you would do just about anything. Tina Turner has more erotic confidence in one Golden eye theme than most of us will ever experience in our whole lifetimes. James Bond songs had never been this deliciously sweaty before. It's like pheromones set to music.
James Bond Themes 1. "Goldfinger" by Shirley Bassey
It was the first "real" James Bond song (again, the first two films only opened with orchestral music), and it's still the best. Shirley Bassey got an opportunity to sing her soul out and she accepted the challenge with obvious pleasure. This is a song that makes the villain Auric Goldfinger seem a lot more threatening (and attractive) than he actually is, but that's part of the miracle of Bassey's work here. It's proud and heroic and enticing and it's kind of a lie, but who cares? The music is pure James Bond, the lyrics are pure machismo, and the performance is perfect.