The troubled television star Charlie Sheen revealed his H.I.V.-positive status on Tuesday, saying that he had paid people upward of $10 million to keep quiet about his condition and that he wanted to put a stop “to this onslaught, this barrage of attacks and of subtruths and very harmful and mercurial stories that are about me.”
周二,苦恼已久的电视男星查理·辛(Charlie Sheen)透露自己艾滋病毒(HIV)检测呈阳性,他说已经给出高达1000万美元的掩口费,并想制止“这种猛烈抨击,这种一连串的攻击和不实消息,还有那些极具伤害性且变化无常的关于我的故事。”
“I am, in fact, H.I.V.-positive,” he said in a live interview with Matt Lauer on NBC’s “Today” show.
在马特·劳尔(Matt Lauer)主持的NBC现场访谈节目《今日秀》(Today)里,他说“我在此承认,我是艾滋病毒携带者。”
Mr. Sheen said that part of his goal in coming forward was to put an end to the payments he was making to keep people quiet. “I think that I release myself from this prison today,” he said.
The actor said he had known about the diagnosis for about four years but did not know how he contracted the virus. At first, he said, he thought he had a brain tumor. “It is a hard three letters to absorb,” he said.
In an open letter published on “Today’s” website Tuesday, Mr. Sheen, 50, said that the diagnosis had led to “a temporary yet abysmal descent into profound substance abuse and fathomless drinking” that he called “a suicide run.”
He said that during the period he “dazedly chose (or hired) the companionship of unsavory and insipid types.”
“Regardless of their saltless reputations, I always lead with condoms and honesty when it came to my condition,” he said. “Sadly, my truth soon became their treason, as a deluge of blackmail and extortion took center stage in this circus of deceit.” He did not provide specifics about the claims of extortion.
Asked by Mr. Lauer whether he was still paying some of these people, Mr. Sheen said, “Not after today, I’m not.”
Mr. Sheen asserted that it was “impossible” that he had knowingly transmitted the disease to other people. He said he had disclosed his diagnosis to all of his sex partners.
Hours after the interview, one of his former girlfriends said that she learned about Mr. Sheen’s H.I.V. diagnosis “right along with everyone else.”
Bree Olson, a former actress in pornographic movies, said that she was involved with Mr. Sheen for about a year and lived with him for about six months during the time after his H.I.V diagnosis. “He never said anything to me,” Ms. Olson said on Howard Stern’s SiriusXM Radio show. “I was his girlfriend. I lived with him. We were together. We had sex almost every day for a year.”
息演的色情电影女性布莉·欧森(Bree Olson)说,她跟辛曾交往约一年,并在他确诊感染艾滋病毒后和他同居大约六个月。“他从没对我说过什么,”欧森在霍华德·斯特恩(Howard Stern)主持的SiriusXM电台节目中说。“那时我是他的女朋友,跟他住在一起。我们在一起,一年来几乎每天都发生性行为。”
Ms. Olson said that she had recently been tested for H.I.V., after hearing rumors about Mr. Sheen’s status, and that her results were negative. Mr. Sheen’s claim that he had not transmitted the disease and had disclosed his diagnosis to all of his sex partners could be problematic, crisis communications experts said.
“If he has one person come out and say: ‘I saw the interview, I went to get tested. I have H.I.V. We never had a conversation about you having H.I.V. before we had sex. I have been damaged. You are going to pay,’ that is a problem for him,” said Mike Paul, president of Reputation Doctor, a crisis and reputation management firm in New York.
“如果有一个人跑出来对他说:‘我看过那个访问后去检测了,结果呈阳性。我感染病毒了,在性行为之前你没有告诉我你有艾滋病毒。我因而受损了,你要赔偿’,那对他而言就是个问题了,”纽约的危机和声誉管理公司名誉医生(Reputation Doctor)的总裁迈克·保罗(Mike Paul)说。
Andrew D. Gilman, chief executive of CommCore Consulting, a crisis communications group, said that Mr. Sheen’s disclosure appeared to come from financial desperation and did little to repair his reputation as an erratic and irresponsible narcissist. “He was getting caught in a vise and needed to take the pressure off,” he said.
危机公关企业“核心沟通咨询”(CommCore Consulting)的首席执行官安德鲁·D·吉尔曼(Andrew D. Gilman)说,辛似乎是因为财务困难才公开病情,而且并没有为挽回自己反复无常、不负责任、自以为是的声誉而做出什么努力。“他被卡在困境之中,需要减压,”吉尔曼说。
Over the years, Mr. Sheen has acknowledged extensive drug use and the hiring of prostitutes. Mr. Sheen was once the highest-paid television actor, but his personal life became the focus of global media attention in 2011 after he had a drug-fueled public meltdown, and CBS was forced to temporarily shut down production of his hit sitcom, “Two and a Half Men.”
这些年来,辛承认过招妓和滥用药物。辛曾经是收入最高的电视演员,但是在2011年因滥用药物而导致公关危机后,他的私生活就成为了全球媒体的焦点,CBS亦因此被迫暂停了他参演的热门情景喜剧《好汉两个半》(Two and a Half Man)。
Mr. Sheen was fired from the series, but he quickly returned with the FX comedy “Anger Management,” since canceled. Hollywood databases indicate that Mr. Sheen has no current television or movie projects.
辛被该电视剧组解雇了,但很快便以FX台的喜剧《愤怒管理》(Anger Management)回归。好莱坞的数据库显示,辛目前没有参与电视或电影工作。
An H.I.V. diagnosis was much more serious and often fatal decades ago, but now, while there is no cure, a regimen of antiretroviral drugs makes it a more manageable illness. Public understanding of H.I.V. has also come a long way since 1991, when the basketball star Magic Johnson disclosed his status. Since then, Mr. Johnson has backed AIDS-related efforts for the United Nations and other advocacy groups.
几十年前,感染艾滋病毒是一件远比现在严峻,致死率也要高得多的事情,但是现在,虽然还没有治疗艾滋病的方法,但利用抗逆转录病毒药物,却使病情较容易控制。自1991年篮球明星魔术师约翰逊(Magic Johnson)公开病情以来,大众对艾滋病毒的认知也与日俱增。从那时起,约翰逊一直支持联合国和其他倡导团体有关艾滋病的工作。
In a second segment on “Today,” Mr. Sheen was joined by his doctor, Robert Huizenga, an associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles.
在《今日秀》节目的第二节中,辛的医生、加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles)的临床医学副教授罗伯特·休伊曾加(Robert Huizenga)也与辛一同出场。
Dr. Huizenga said that Mr. Sheen was immediately put on treatment after he was diagnosed, and the treatment had suppressed the virus. He said that the actor did not have AIDS and was “absolutely healthy,” adding that his biggest concerns for Mr. Sheen were depression and substance abuse.
Mr. Sheen said that since he received his diagnosis he had never missed taking his medication, and that he was not taking recreational drugs but was still drinking. Asked whether he would stop drinking, Mr. Sheen said, “Perhaps the freedom of today may lead to that as well.”