中国国家主席习近平11月17日已飞抵菲律宾首都马尼拉,开启APEC时间,与会领导人预料会穿菲律宾国服“巴隆他加禄”(Barong Tagalog)亮相,每一件都有自己的风格。服装由该国设计师卡布拉尔(Paul Cabral)亲手裁製,并用了四个月的时间为21位与会领导人量身定製了符合该国家和地区传统的服装,如中国领导人服装上有高高的竹子和竹叶飘落的图样。
Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Manila on Tuesday to attend the 23rd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting. The clothes was designed by Philippine designer Paul Cabral, it took him 4 months to make those traditional clothes for every leader. The Chinese style Barong Tagalog has tall bamboos and its leaf dancing with wind.
So ,what is this Barong Tagalog? It's a tradition to wear the clothes of the host country in APEC. The clothes of Philippines is"Barong Tagalog" The Barong Tagalog, more commonly known as simply Barong (and occasionally called Baro), is an embroidered formal shirt which is considered the national dress of the Philippines. It is lightweight and worn untucked over an undershirt.
The Barong Tagalog has a long tradition of more than a century. The line of the Barong Tagalog begins from the Spanish rule. Barongs were usually made of thin fabric almost transparent and with no pockets; so that the Spaniards could see that the person wearing was not bearing any weapon under the garment. The Spanish rulers demanded the Filipinos (Indios) to wear a Barong Tagalog. At that time when some Filipinos became successful business men or successful in agricultural and were able to obtain title to lands, these lucky and more important middle classmen had to wear the Barong Tagalog just as Spanish rulers demand.
巴隆他加禄的名字又有着什么样的由来呢? “巴洛”的意思是衣服,这是他加禄人当地的方言。所以“巴隆他加禄”就是他加禄人的服饰了。要说“巴隆”,其实它的意思是…的衣服,但是后来还是以这最后一种称呼居多。
Where did Barong name come from? "Baro"= Word for 'dress', Tagalog dialect"Barong Tagalog"= 'dress of the Tagalog'. "Barong" = literally means 'dress of' - but commonly used to refer to the formal men's wear in the Philippines.
What are the fabrics uses in Barong?
Pina fabric - is hand-loomed from pineapple leaf fibers. And because Pi愀 weavers in the Philippines are decreasing, its scarcity makes the delicate Pi愀 cloth expensive and is thus used for very formal events.