First came "How-old.net" - developed by Microsoft to detect the ages of people in photos. Now the company has launched a new application programming interface (API), on November 11, which equally amazingly can recognise emotions.
前阵子, 大家为了弄清楚自己看上去有多老(多年轻)这一严肃而永恒的课题, 纷纷跑去颜龄网站how-old.net传照片做测试, 尘埃刚落, 微软公司11日又推出了测试情绪的工具。
The demo of the 'Emotion Recognition' API can be found at the website of Project Oxford (https://www.projectoxford.ai/demo/emotion#detection), where there are already some sample pictures to help you understand how the process works.
微软在其 "牛津计划" 网站公布了通过照片识别情绪的工具小样。用法很简单, 只要把照片上传, 面部识别软件和人工智能就会生成结果, 告诉你照片表情中包含的各种情绪及其所占比重。
This is what you need to do:1) upload an image to the website, then2) move your mouse over the face in the imageAfterwards, a box should pop up giving you the results. So far 8 different types of emotions can be recognised by the software:
8种情绪—愤怒, 蔑视, 厌恶, 恐惧, 快乐, 中性,悲伤, 惊讶—每次都会逐一列出, 比重之和是1,数值最大的自然是最主要的情感。
Project Oxford is Microsoft's special section researching Artificial Intelligence. It provides individual developers with data analysis tools, which they can then use to develop their own Apps in any way they like. For example, this emotion recognition technology could be developed into a lighthearted App to guess someone's mood.
牛津计划不只是人脸识别,它包括四类:- 人脸识别;- 语音识别;- 计算机视觉 (理解图像并智能产生缩略图);- 语言理解智能服务 (为APP打造对自然语言命令的理解能力)
Above is a sample picture on the official website, showing a 100% happy face.