日本现赌场式日间陪护所 Japan places bet on Las Vegas-themed daycare to offset price of agei
日期:2015-11-09 15:11


Slot machines chatter; playing cards slide over green baize; chips pile up at the baccarat table. The average age in the room is 80 and, for Japan’s greying millions, it is time to embrace Las Vegas daycare.


The ersatz casino in the suburbs of Yokohama, windows blackened to heighten the atmosphere, has become a central part of the lives of local retirees.


For entrepreneurs, who have controversially opened as many as 60 such establishments across Japan in the past 12 months, the concept represents a potentially lucrative bet on the “silver yen” and the hefty government subsidies available for daycare.


For Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, casino-themed daycare may become a pillar of his economic revival plans by occupying some of the 10m Japanese aged over 80 and so freeing up workers who might otherwise have left the shrinking labour force to look after frail relatives — as do some 100,000 workers each year.

对首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)而言,赌场主题的日间陪护所可能会成为支撑起其经济重振计划的一个支柱:让日本约1000万80岁以上的老人有事可做,解放原本需要退出劳动力大军以照顾体弱亲人的劳动者。日本的劳动人口正在萎缩,每年有约10万人因上述原因离职照顾老人。

Mr Abe has vowed to cut that number to zero by 2020. He stands a better chance, say the owners of Las Vegas Tsuzuki, if daycare is an attractive option.

安倍发誓到2020年把这个数字降至零。赌场式日间陪护所拉斯维加斯都筑(Las Vegas Tsuzuki)店的所有者们表示,如果日间陪护所成为一种有吸引力的选项,安倍完成这一目标的可能性更高。

“The honest situation is that we have a rising number of elderly people and there is often not a lot for them to do,” says Kaoru Mori, owner of this and nine similar facilities. “If they stay at home alone, they get worse and the burden for the country is ultimately bigger.”

“真实的情况是,我们的老年人越来越多,他们往往没有多少事情可做,”拥有这家和其他9家类似陪护所的森薰(Kaoru Mori)说,“如果他们独自一人待在家中,情况会更糟糕,国家的负担最终会更大。”

As Japan’s demographic crisis has deepened, the number of daycare facilities has doubled since 2010 to about 40,000. But the majority, say Mr Mori, offer activities that “are too childish, patronising even. These are adults and they want serious activities.”


But Mr Mori, who plans to open many more Vegas daycare centres across the country, is playing his cards carefully. Casino gambling is illegal in Japan, so the currency is faux and can only be “earned” through exercise — a “Vegas stretch” warm-up routine performed to the music of Lady Gaga.

然而,计划在日本全国开办更多赌场主题日间陪护所的森薰正在谨慎行事。赌场赌博在日本是非法的,所以这里使用只能通过锻炼“挣得”的虚拟货币。锻炼则是指配着Lady Gaga的音乐进行“拉斯维加斯伸展”热身动作。

Before a single chip is bet, everyone has their blood pressure and temperature checked.


The casinos succeed in attracting more elderly men, who are less willing than women to attend regular daycare centres. But not everyone shares the enthusiasm of Mr Mori and his clientele. Some local governments, which heavily subsidise daycare, are reluctant to encourage gambling. The city of Kobe has banned casino daycare as a malign social influence, and the wider prefecture of Hyogo may follow.


  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮
  • ultimatelyadv. 最后,最终
  • clientelen. 诉讼委托人,(总称)客户
  • enthusiasmn. 热情,热心;热衷的事物
  • slotn. 槽,狭缝,时间段,职位 vt. 留细长的孔,插入,
  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • reluctantadj. 不情愿的,勉强的
  • willingadj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的
  • demographicadj. 人口统计学的
  • majorityn. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派 n. 法定年龄