Japanese designer Pico has combined her love of cats and handbags to create highly realistic purses. The bags are shaped like kitties with whiskersand tails. Each cat-bag is priced at about $500 to $700, but buyers don’t seem to mind the steep pricing at all. In fact, the designs are taking social media by storm with thousands of admirers scrambling to buy their own.
Each bag is hand-made by Pico herself – she sews the white faux fur together and then airbrushes the completed cats with acrylic paint to give them individual markings. Her most popular design is the black, white and caramel colored cat-bag with yellow eyes and a pink nose. She sells them at 83,000 yen ($685) apiece.
Although people all over the world love her designs, Pico announced on her Twitter account that she currently only sells them in Japan through Yahoo! Auction.