Investors from China have started to buy up British private schools as an increasing number of Chinese want their children to be educated in the UK.
It has been reported that Chase Grammar School, one of Britain's top 100 private schools, was recently bought by Achieve Education, a Chinese-owned company. The Staffordshire-based school has 300 pupils, of which 40 come from China. The Staffordshire-based school, which charges up to 11,000 pounds ($16,876) a year in day fees and as much as 36,600 pounds for boarding fees.
据英国媒体报道,一家名为Achieve Education的中国公司最近收购了位于英格兰中部斯塔福德郡的切斯文法学校(Chase Grammar School),该学校创立于1879年,多年来一直坚持传统的英式教育,在英国私立学校排名中名联前茅。学校共有300名学生,其中40名来自中国。学生可以选择寄宿或走读两种方式,其中寄宿学生的学费高达每年3.66万英镑(约合35.6万元人民币),走读学生的学费约每年1.1万英镑(约合10.7万元人民币)。
International schools in China can no longer meet the demands of rising wealthy families, who hope to see their children educated in an all-English and creativity-nurturing environment. Private schools in the UK are also keen to woo international students, which could bring them substantial revenue.