If you are a resident of Lenoir City, Tennessee,you might want to remember to mow your lawn — otherwise, you will be spending the night in jail.
Karen Holloway just spent six hours in a jail cell for failing to maintain heryard in accordance with the standards set by thecity.
Karen Holloway就因为没有按照城市设定的标准来维护院子里的草坪而在监狱里待了6个小时。
The saga began last summer, when Holloway was sent a citation for her overgrown grass and shrubbery. Holloway, who works a full-time job and has two children living at home, a husband in school, and one family vehicle, admits the yard needed some attention but that it just wasn't feasible to do the work.
"The bushes and trees were overgrown. But that's certainly not a criminal offense," she says.
Last week, Judge Terry Vann handed down a five-day jail sentence to Holloway for refusing to comply with the city ordinances regarding yard maintenance,specifically the lack thereof.
上周,Judge TerryVann因Holloway拒绝遵守城市的庭院维护条例宣布她获5日监禁,但这显然缺乏根据。
In addition to the severity of the sentencing, Holloway say she also feels that she was bullied during the process because she was never read her rights or told that she could have a lawyer present.
This isn't the first time Holloway has been cited by the city. While her husband was serving in the military and deployed overseas, she was also sent acitation.
On Tuesday, when she stood in front of the court once more, her sentence was reduced to six hours. The judge admitted Holloway is not a criminal, and that this is not a criminal case — but she was still sentenced to jail. Hollowayturned herself in Tuesday evening and served her six hours.
Neither the judge nor the police chief have responded with comments.
This is not the first time someone has been sentenced to jail because of the state of his or her property. Linda Ruggles of South Carolina was unable to pay the $500 fine for the loose shingles left on her roof after repairs stalled followingthe 2008 recession. She spent six days in jail.
这不是首个因自身财产状况而被判入狱的例子。2008年遇上经济衰退之后,南卡罗来纳州的Linda Ruggles因屋顶木瓦失修获500美元罚金,她因无力支付而入狱6天。