On the face of things, forecasts for global economic growth display little of interest. The world economy is expected to expand between 3 and 4 per cent a year until the next decade, a rate within spitting distance of the average pace of global growth over the past 40 years.
Yet boring headlines hide very interesting trends beneath the surface. While growth was centred in the advanced world in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, more recently it has moved to emerging economies, regardless of how much concern there should be about their current fragility.
According to the International Monetary Fund, of the eight countries expected to contribute most to global economic expansion over the next five years, only the US and South Korea are advanced economies. The US comes third, contributing 10 per cent of total world growth, after China and India, which together are expected to account for 43 per cent.
The world’s wealth might still be predominantly based in the traditional rich countries, but growth is elsewhere as many poorer countries catch up with the rich world. Turkey, for example, is expected to add more growth in dollar terms to the global economy over the next five years than Germany.
Emerging economies are disappointing
Although poorer countries are more dynamic and are where global growth is located, they have flattered to deceive in recent years, confounding over-optimistic forecasters time after time.
Every year since 2011, forecasters have started to predict the following year’s likely expansion in buoyant mood only to grow more pessimistic as time passes and data begin to roll in. Not only have forecasts for emerging economy growth persistently deteriorated for every year from 2012 to the latest forecasts for 2016, economists have also learnt from the past. Every year they have been less optimistic than the last, but still been surprised by weaker data.
Economists appear to have made four errors. First, they have extrapolated the remarkable pre-crisis economic growth rates of emerging economies into the present, not noticing that underlying productivity growth has declined as poorer countries have caught up with their richer cousins. Second, they have not taken sufficient notice of a slowing trend of employment growth in emerging markets, making growth harder to achieve.
Third, as these disappointments have come to light, underlying policy weaknesses have surfaced in many countries, such as the corruption scandal involving Brazil’s Petrobras state-owned oil company, which had previously been hidden by rapid expansion. Lastly, with the surprise slower growth has come a sudden drop in commodity prices, particularly hurting those countries dependent on ore, metal and oil exports.
Countries that let themselves down
Comparing recent expectations for 2015 growth with those three years ago highlights the significant countries with the most disappointing economic performance — those which let themselves down.
The most glaring example of unexpected weakness comes from Russia, which was thought to be set fair for persistent growth rates of about 4 per cent. This year the economy will contract by about an equivalent rate, hit hard by falling oil prices and economic sanctions following its military activity in Ukraine.
Almost as bad has been Brazil, which has declined from poster child of Latin America to a country regarded as having weak fundamentals, corporate scandals and a fragile policy framework. Nigeria and South Africa have also been among the five most disappointing large economies, compared with the expectations set three years ago, again largely because of falls in commodity prices.
The one vast economy where commodity prices play no role is China, which the government projects to grow at just below 7 per cent this year — though this is contested by some and still well below the 8.5 per cent rate thought possible in 2012.
Nations which exceeded expectations
For every laggard, there is a gazelle. Although global growth is slower than hoped three years ago, many of the advanced economies are recovering faster than was expected at the height of the euro crisis, a time when it was feared the rest of the periphery was still vulnerable to a funding strike for their debt.
Spain is the star performer, expected to expand more than 3 per cent this year compared with the 1.5 per cent thought possible three years ago. Germany is also exceeding expectations although its growth rate is still anticipated as being modest this year and below 2 per cent.
The one large emerging economy to be performing better than expected is India. Helped by lower commodity prices and a better macroeconomic policy framework, the Indian economy is now expected to post growth of about 7.5 per cent this year. Its expansion was expected back in 2012 to be almost a percentage point lower.
Generally there are relatively few star performers, explaining the sombre global economic outlook, but the picture remains too strong to be talking yet of a global economic downturn.