Syracuse University students trying to join Nu Alpha Phi, an Asian-American fraternity, were given demerits when they made mistakes during pledging, and a way to work them off.
雪城大学(Syracuse University)试图加入亚裔兄弟会纽-阿尔法-斐(Nu Alpha Phi)的学生在接受入会考验期间出错的话会被记过,这是一种清理成员的方式。
There were push-ups and situps in the attic of the fraternity house, according to investigators and students. There were extended periods in a sitting position — knees bent, backs to the wall — that tested their physical strength and resolve. And on one frigid night in March, there were exercises outdoors in a park, with three pledges crawling and rolling in the snow with no gloves. One of them got frostbite on both hands and faced losing several fingers.
The number of Asian-American fraternities and sororities has grown over the last generation as the children and grandchildren of immigrants, feeling shut out of existing Greek organizations, began to create their own.
And as those groups have spread across the country, some have replicated not only the social networking of other fraternities, but also their excesses.
Last month, prosecutors in Pennsylvania announced that they planned to charge members of an Asian-American fraternity, Pi Delta Psi, in connection with a hazing-related death of a freshman at Baruch College in New York City during a retreat in the Poconos in December 2013. At least three other students have died during activities at Asian-American fraternities since 2005, and many more have been injured, resulting in a spate of criminal prosecutions, lawsuits and school disciplinary actions against fraternities and their members.
上个月,宾夕法尼亚州检方宣布,他们计划指控亚裔兄弟会派-德尔塔-普赛兄弟会(Pi Delta Psi)的多名成员涉嫌导致纽约巴鲁克学院(Baruch College)的一名新生于2013年12月在波科诺山区参加营会期间遭欺辱而死亡。自2005年以来,至少还有其他三名学生在参与亚裔兄弟会活动期间丧生,多人受伤,导致众多刑事和民事诉讼案件,以及学校对兄弟会及其成员的处分。
It is difficult to say whether abuses are more common in Asian-American organizations than in others. There are no official statistics on fraternity deaths and injuries across the United States. But people who have studied the issue say they have been surprised by the number of episodes, given that Asian-American fraternities occupy just a small corner of the collegiate Greek world.
“There shouldn't be this many deaths, this many cases, for this small number of organizations, chapters and members, ” said Walter M. Kimbrough, president of Dillard University in New Orleans, who is leading a task force on hazing prevention for the North-American Interfraternity Conference.
“不应该有这么多人死亡、这么多案例,因为这些联谊会、分会和成员的数字很小,”新奥尔良迪拉德大学(Dillard University)校长瓦尔特·M·金布罗(Walter M. Kimbrough)说。金布罗是北美兄弟会联盟(North-American Interfraternity Conference)预防欺辱工作组的负责人。
Across the country, there are more than 65 Asian-American fraternities and sororities, by some estimates, though most have small memberships and operate without permanent headquarters, professional staff or campus housing for students. Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, one of the largest with dozens of chapters, has experienced the most problems, including three deaths. Peter Tran, 18, a student at San Francisco State University, died after attending a fraternity party in 2013; the fraternity was subsequently expelled by university officials. Phanta Phoummarath, 18, a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin, died after drinking at a fraternity party in 2005; his family received a $4.2 million settlement in a lawsuit against Lambda Phi Epsilon and its members.
根据一些估算,全美有逾65个亚裔兄弟会和姐妹会,但大多数组织会员较少,而且没有固定的总部、专业工作人员或校园会堂。人中王国际兄弟会(Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity)是规模最大的亚裔兄弟会之一,拥有数十个分会。该组织遭遇了最多的问题,包括三起死亡事件。旧金山州立大学(San Francisco State University)18岁的学生彼得·陈(Peter Tran)在2013年参加完该兄弟会派对后死亡;该会随后被学校官员取消活动资格。德州大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)18岁的新生潘塔·蓬马拉特(Phanta Phoummarath)2005年在兄弟会派对饮酒后死亡;他的家人对人中王兄弟会及其成员提起诉讼,最终和解,获得420万美元的赔偿。
In a third case, in 2005, Kenny Luong, 19, a student at Cal Poly Pomona in California, died from fatal head injuries after playing football against Lambda Phi Epsilon members from the University of California, Irvine. Luong and his schoolmates were trying to start a chapter at their own college, and as a requirement, they had to face off against the existing chapter at Irvine in a game without any helmets or pads, the authorities said. In a lawsuit against the fraternity that ended with a $1.7 million settlement, Luong's family said the game was simply hazing in disguise, with the Irvine players often gang-tackling members of Luong's outnumbered team, even when they did not have the ball.
第三个案例发生在2005年:波莫纳加州州立理工大学(Cal Poly Pomona)19岁的学生肯尼·梁 (Kenny Luong)在与加州大学欧文分校(University of California, Irvine)人中王兄弟会成员踢橄榄球后头部受重伤,最终死亡。当局称,肯尼·梁和他的几名同学试图在他们所在的学校开设分会,作为条件,他们需要与欧文分校已有的分会进行对抗,比赛过程中不戴头盔或防护垫。人中王兄弟会遭到起诉,最终达成和解,赔偿170万美元。肯尼·梁的家人表示,他们打着比赛的幌子进行欺辱,欧文分校的球员具有人数优势,不时群起擒抱攻击肯尼·梁所在队伍的成员,甚至在他们没有控球时也会如此。
In the Baruch case, Chun Hsien Deng, 19, died after a ritual known as the “glass ceiling,” in which he was tackled by fraternity members while blindfolded and weighed down with a sand-filled backpack as he tried to cross a frozen yard, prosecutors said. After he was knocked out, they said, fraternity members delayed getting help and sought to cover up their involvement. Five of the 37 defendants are facing third-degree murder charges; the rest face charges that include assault, hindering apprehension and hazing.
检方表示,在巴鲁克学院的案例中,19岁的邓俊贤(Chun Hsien Deng,音) 在参加名为“玻璃天花板”的仪式后死亡。他被蒙住双眼并且背负一个装满沙子的背包,尝试穿越结冰的庭院。检方称,在他失去知觉后,兄弟会成员迟迟没有寻求帮助,并且试图掩盖他们参与其中的事实。37名被告中有五人面临三级谋杀罪指控;其他人则面临攻击、妨碍逮捕和欺辱的指控。
Amid growing concerns over hazing, members of Lambda Phi Epsilon and other Asian-American fraternities and sororities say their organizations have actively promoted no-hazing policies, increased training for members and replaced potentially abusive pledging rites, such as strenuous runs around campus, with talks on Asian-American issues and walks for cancer.
In the Syracuse case involving frostbite, Nu Alpha Phi was banned from campus and two of its members, Tae Kim and Jeffrey Yam, who served as pledge masters, are awaiting trial on a misdemeanor charge of hazing. If convicted, they face up to a year in jail.
在雪城大学的冻伤案件中,纽-阿尔法-斐兄弟会被禁止在校园活动,担任入会考验主管的两名会员——金泰(Tae Kim,音)和杰弗里·任(Jeffrey Yam)遭到欺辱的轻罪指控,正在等待审讯。如果罪名成立,他们会面临至多一年的监禁。
A lawyer for Yam could not be reached. James Hopkins, a lawyer for Kim, described him as a good student from a humble background who had no record and teaches chess to children. While he said it was unfortunate that the pledging student suffered frostbite, he said, “we are adamant that the same was not the result of criminal conduct on the part of Tae Kim.” (Ultimately, the student did not lose any fingers.)
记者无法与杰弗里·任的律师取得联系。金泰的律师詹姆斯·奥普金斯(James Hopkins)称他是一个好学生,出身寒微,没有犯罪记录,而且还教小孩下国际象棋。他对预备入会的学生被冻伤一事表示遗憾,但他说,“我们坚信,金泰所表现出的犯罪行为不会导致同样的结果。”(最终,那名学生没有失去手指。)
Richard Cohn, a lawyer who represented the family of Luong, the student who died after the football game, said that hazing continues even when students are told they do not have to take part. Pledges are intimidated and fear they will be rejected by the fraternity if they do not participate in the rites, he said. “In practice, what is really happening is flat-out hazing despite the fact that they put together all kinds of legal documents that set forth rules against hazing and all the members are supposed to sign off on it,” he said.
肯尼·梁在参加足球赛后死亡,其家人的代表律师理查德·科恩(Richard Cohn)表示,甚至在学生们被告知他们不需要参加仪式后,欺辱行为也仍然存在。他表示,预备会员受到威胁,担心他们如果不参与仪式会被该兄弟会拒绝。他表示,“尽管他们拟定了各种禁止欺辱的法律文件,而且所有会员应该已经在上面签字,实际上,公开的欺辱行为仍然存在。”
The leaders of Lambda Phi Epsilon, Nu Alpha Pi and Pi Delta Psi did not respond to emails or calls seeking comment.
Brian Gee, director of risk reduction for another Asian-American fraternity, Pi Alpha Phi, says that any time there is a hazing-related death or injury “it's a huge setback” for leaders who are trying to make positive changes within their organizations and reinforces negative perceptions of them.
另一个亚裔兄弟会派-阿尔法-斐(Pi Alpha Phi)的风险降低总监布赖恩·吉(Brian Gee)表示,无论什么时候出现欺辱导致死亡或受伤的情况,对于试图在组织内部推动积极改变的领袖来说,“都是一个巨大的倒退,”而且进一步加剧了他们的负面形象。
“We're always trying to do our best,” Gee said. “Every fraternity out there, Asian or not, has had setbacks. We do have very high expectations of our memberships to follow our policies. When violations are found, we do our best to hold chapters accountable. Sometimes that comes in the form of educational programming. Other times, it's sanctions or suspensions of chapters.”