云南一高校宿舍布满裂纹 校方表示不影响安全
日期:2016-12-15 14:54


A newly built dormitory at Yunnan Forestry Technological College sported "bandages" after large cracks in the building were repaired.
An employee of the college denied any safety risks posed by the cracks, saying that it is common for such steel-framed building to crack.
The cracks solely impact the building's appearance--not its safety and function, as no crack were found inside, the employee added.

云南一高校宿舍布满裂纹 校方表示不影响安全

According to photos of the repaired building, posted online on Dec. 5, the dormitory of the technical college was constructed around six months ago.
However, large cracks appeared soon after students moved in. The six-story building appeared covered with dark "bandages" after repair.
Another employee surnamed Liu disclosed that the building was put into use this year.
New earthquake-resistant materials were used in its construction, and it is normal for cracks to appear on the wall due to moisture or temperature variation.
As for the dark "bandages," Liu said the materials are to help the repairs stick, and the whitewashing is solely for beautification. Both are normal and necessary, according to Liu.
So far, the school has not confirmed whether steel structures are permitted in the construction of student dormitories.
