Bob McConnell, a retired engineer, set up a new wireless router in his home this year to get faster Internet speeds. Instead, he got the opposite, with his iPad often getting no wireless connection in his bedroom.
为了获得更快的上网速度,退休工程师鲍勃·麦康奈尔(Bob McConnell)今年在家里安装了一个新无线路由器。结果,家里网络反倒不如从前了,在卧室里使用iPad时,他常常找不到信号。
For days, he tinkered with the router’s settings, but couldn’t figure out a fix. “It was totally ruining my life,” said Mr. McConnell, who lives in a condominium building in Kirkland, Wash. “Things would work, and then the next morning they wouldn’t work again.”
What Mr. McConnell experienced is a situation we call “Wi-Fi headache,” and it’s an ailment that many can relate to. The condition is rooted in the networking devices called routers that people install in their homes for Wi-Fi connectivity. Most routers are difficult to configure for anyone who doesn’t work in an information-technology department. Jargony tech terms like 802.11 or dual-band add to the confusion when people upgrade a router or try to decide which one to pick.
So to diagnose and cure Wi-Fi headaches, we teamed up with The Wirecutter, the product recommendations website. The Wirecutter put dozens of top-rated routers and devices through hundreds of hours of testing to pick out the best router for most people and come up with other recommendations tailored to different living situations and budgets. It also ran new tests for The New York Times to come up with best practices for getting a stronger, faster Wi-Fi signal.
所以,为了诊断和治疗Wi-Fi头痛,我们与提供产品推荐的The Wirecutter网站展开了合作。The Wirecutter对几十种热销路由器和设备进行了数百小时的测试,以挑选出适合大多数人的最佳路由器,同时也针对不同生活环境和预算提供其他匹配建议。该网站还为《纽约时报》进行了一些新测试,以便找到能获得信号更强、速度更快的Wi-Fi网络的办法。
The bottom line: People with devices both new and old will see an improvement by upgrading to a recent router that supports the latest Wi-Fi standards. But they should be wary of buying a cheap router that isn’t any good, or spending too much on one that is too complex for their needs.
Wi-Fi headaches start with how the technology has evolved. For years, router makers like Netgear, Linksys and Cisco focused on making Wi-Fi technology transmit data at higher speeds and over longer distances.
That did little to prepare people for the explosion of Internet-connected mobile devices. In buildings crowded with smartphones, computers, smart TVs and tablets, the devices’ signals are now fighting for room on the same radio channels. And routers are spewing out energy for longer distances that may be bumping into neighbors’ signals.
“The router manufacturers are kind of brain-dead,” said Dave Fraser, the chief executive of Devicescape, which develops technology for making public Wi-Fi networks usable for mobile phone service. “All they were thinking about was supporting people with laptops in their homes and commercial environments. All of a sudden Wi-Fi is in everything and everywhere, and we’re moving around our homes much more.”
“路由器厂商们有点蠢,”Devicescape公司首席执行官戴夫·弗雷泽(Dave Fraser)说。该公司开发的技术可以让公共Wi-Fi网络供移动通讯服务使用。“之前他们只考虑给人们在家里和商务环境中用笔记本电脑上网提供支持。突然之间,世道变了,遍地都是Wi-Fi,什么都要用Wi-Fi,而且我们在家里的活动性也比过去大得多。”
Router manufacturers have more recently improved Wi-Fi technology with mobile devices in mind, said Mr. Fraser. New routers often include smarter antennas that do a better job of assembling signals and beaming energy toward devices that are moving around.
Some features inside newer routers also help reduce signal interference. Newer routers typically can transmit data over two radio frequencies — 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz — and give you the option to split them up into two separate Wi-Fi networks. In general, the 2.4 GHz band transmits data farther and is more crowded because many types of devices, like cordless phones and microwaves, use that frequency. The 5 GHz band is less congested but typically travels a shorter distance.
Consumer behavior is also to blame for Wi-Fi headaches. People may wait years before buying a new router, so their devices might be more up-to-date than their infrastructure. An outdated router becomes a bottleneck that hinders the speeds of web downloads and file transfers between connected devices.
Some people never upgrade their routers, especially those who still use the router that their Internet service provider lent them years ago. Those routers, which often double as modems, are often slow and short-ranged. That means it is time to buy a newer, faster router.
The Wirecutter performed a battery of tests on two top-performing routers with six devices, and the results were unmistakable: If your current router is at least three years old, there is no reason not to upgrade to a new router.
The Wirecutter用六种设备对两款表现出色的路由器进行了一系列测试,结果很清楚:如果你目前的路由器已经使用至少三年,那就没理由不更换一台新的。
Not only can a newer router improve the speed and range for users, the routers typically have upgraded internal components and strong external antennas. Many also support the latest Wi-Fi standard — 802.11ac — which has top speeds that are nearly three times faster than the previous standard, 802.11n, for the fastest wireless devices you can buy today.
Many smartphones, tablets and laptops released since 2013 support 802.11ac. But even older devices that support only the previous standard, 802.11n, can enjoy faster speeds at long range with a newer 802.11ac router.
For these tests, The Wirecutter used two routers: its top 802.11ac router recommendation, TP-Link’s Archer C7, and an older 802.11n router, Netgear’s WNDR3700. It tried them with a 2012 iPhone 5, a 2014 iPhone 6 Plus, a 2013 HTC One M7, a 2015 Samsung Galaxy S6, a 2012 MacBook Air and a 2014 MacBook Air.
The Wirecutter在这些测试中使用了两款路由器:该网站最为推荐的802.11ac标准路由器TP-Link的Archer C7,和一款更老一些的802.11n标准路由器Netgear的WNDR3700。用以测试这两款路由器的设备包括:一部2012年的iPhone 5手机、2014年的iPhone 6 Plus手机、2013年的HTC One M7手机、2015年的三星Galaxy S6、2012年的MacBook Air笔记本,和一台2014年的MacBook Air。
To get an idea how each device performed with each router, The Wirecutter’s Wi-Fi expert, David Murphy, tested file transfer speeds, video streaming speeds, music streaming quality and video call quality at a short range of 11 feet and a long range of 43 feet.
为了解每台设备在适配每款路由器的情况下的网络表现,The Wirecutter的Wi-Fi专家戴维·墨菲(David Murphy),在11英尺(约合3.4米)的近距离和43英尺的远距离下,分别测试了文件传输速度、视频流媒体速度、音频流媒体质量和视频通话质量等项目。
Most tested devices had 19 percent to 54 percent faster download speeds and shaved 3 to 48 percent off their file-transfer times when paired with the Archer C7 compared with the older 802.11n Netgear router. The devices also did better on the Archer C7’s 5 GHz Wi-Fi network than on its 2.4GHz network at the same locations. In comparison, The Wirecutter could not connect to the Netgear router’s 5 GHz Wi-Fi at its long-distance test location.
相比于使用更老的802.11n标准的Netgear路由器,大部分被检测的设备在与Archer C7路由器适配的情况下,网络下载速度可以快19%到54%,文件传输时间可以减少3%到48%。在同一地点,这些设备使用 Archer C7的5吉赫兹Wi-Fi比使用2.4吉赫兹,上网效果更好。相比之下,在远距离测试中,The Wirecutter无法连接到Netgear路由器的5吉赫兹Wi-Fi。
The Archer C7’s exceptional performance on a 5 GHz signal is its strength. Devices often had the same download speeds at long range as short range when connected to the Archer C7’s 5 GHz Wi-Fi. But at the longer distance, when switched to the Archer C7’s 2.4GHz network, each device’s download speeds dropped, sometimes by more than 80 percent.
Archer C7在5吉赫兹波段的卓越表现,显示出它的优势。在连接到Archer C7的5吉赫兹Wi-Fi时,这些设备往往在近距离和远距离能获得同样的下载速度。但连接到Archer C7的2.4吉赫兹网络进行远距离测试时,每台设备的下载速度会下降,有时幅度甚至超过80%。
In summary: For a stronger, faster wireless connection, stay on the router’s 5 GHz band for as long as you can. Older routers aren’t the best at that; a newer router like TP-Link’s Archer C7 is a much better option.
总而言之:为了获得更强大、速度更快的无线连接,尽量多使用路由器的5赫兹波段。老款路由器在这方面不是最佳选择,像TP-Link的Archer C7这样的新款路由器要好得多。
The best router for most people is the Archer C7 ($100). It’s a dual-band 802.11ac router, meaning it can run both 2.4GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi networks, and it supports the fastest Wi-Fi speeds of every wireless device you can buy, including the MacBook Pro, the Samsung Galaxy S6 or the brand-new iPhone 6s. The Archer C7 is faster over longer distances than most routers that cost $150 or more, and it’s the best value of the more than two dozen routers The Wirecutter tested in the last two years.
Archer C7(100美元)对大多数人来说是最佳选择。它是一款双频802.11ac标准路由器,这意味着它可以提供2.4吉赫兹和5吉赫兹Wi-Fi两种网络。它还能支持你能买到的各种无线设备获得最快的Wi-Fi速度,不管是MacBook Pro、三星的Galaxy S6,还是全新的iPhone 6s。相比于大多数价位在150美元,甚至更高的路由器,Archer C7可以让用户在更远距离获得更快网速,它是The Wirecutter过去两年测试的二三十种路由器中最物有所值的一款。
The Archer C7 isn’t the best fit for everyone. So The Wirecutter also combed through test results and picked some routers for different living situations, such as small apartments or homes where people primarily use Apple devices.
Archer C7并非所有人的最佳选择。所以The Wirecutter也对测试结果进行了梳理,挑选出一些适应其他生活环境的路由器,比如公寓比较小,或家人主要使用苹果设备。
Generally, we recommend you upgrade to a new router every three to four years. That accounts for how often people typically upgrade devices like smartphones (every two years) and computers (every three to four years).
Yet whether your smartphones, computers and tablets are one, two or five years old, now is a good time to buy a new router if you haven’t in the last three years. Newer devices are probably using the 802.11ac standard, so you will get the fastest speeds at long distances with an 802.11ac router. If you hoard old devices, you will also get faster speeds and greater range. These benefits will be especially clear if you stay on a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network for as long as you can.
One caveat: If you use a slower Internet service like DSL, you can probably hold on to a router for longer than three years. A newer router can still be useful because of the improved wireless range, but you won’t experience a big difference in download speeds.
If your house is so large that a new router won’t be able to cover every inch with a great Wi-Fi signal, you could install a Wi-Fi extender, which enhances an existing Wi-Fi connection to increase coverage. Powerline networking, which converts a house’s electrical wiring into a wired Internet connection, is another option, but you’ll have to check if your home supports it.
As for Mr. McConnell, the retired engineer eventually solved his Wi-Fi headache by setting up his devices to stay on the 5 GHz radio band. To get a Wi-Fi signal to his iPad in the bedroom, he also set up an extender. Now everything is smooth sailing, he said.
“I’ve got my life back,” he said.