Hong Kong’s dollar peg is tough. In its 30-plus years it has withstood landmark currency accords, two financial crises and Sars, not to mention perennial debate about its suitability. But the world’s longest-running, unchanged currency regime is facing a fresh challenge: its neighbour, the renminbi.
With data on Chinese capital flows slow to emerge, Hong Kong’s peg to the US dollar has become a gauge of just how much the August devaluation has unsettled investors.
Since that shock move the Hong Kong dollar has whipsawed within its narrow band versus its US counterpart. Initially speculation mounted that a weaker renminbi would force Hong Kong to devalue its currency, and this pushed it lower. Beijing’s still-tight control of its currency since the move, however, has eased that pressure.
Amid suspected outflows from China following the devaluation the Hong Kong Monetary Authority has intervened to defend the stronger end of the currency’s HK$7.75 to HK$7.78 range.
The city-state’s peg is technically a currency board — its monetary base is fully backed by equivalent dollar reserves — and this has given it strong credibility in the markets. Defending strength involves selling local currency, which the HKMA can in theory do for ever.
“A lot of people got that wrong,” says Mitul Kotecha, head of Asia currency and rates strategy at Barclays. “They first looked for what was exposed and saw the Hong Kong dollar. But what was really unappreciated was where flows into China were coming from — which was Hong Kong — and how those could reverse.”
“很多人都搞错了。”巴克莱(Barclays)亚洲外汇与利率策略主管米图尔科特查(Mitul Kotecha)说,“他们首先寻找哪些货币受到冲击,然后发现了港元。但他们根本没意识到流入中国的资金来自哪里——是来自香港——以及这些资金会如何撤退。”
Figures for deposits in Hong Kong during August are due this week and will be scrutinised for any signs of a shift between those in renminbi — about 10 per cent of the total — and local currency. Not all the renminbi deposits are from the mainland; many local savers hold funds in both currencies, largely to bet on renminbi appreciation.
“People are assuming renminbi deposits will have gone down, although August might be too soon to show this,” says one strategist.
The HKMA has already hinted that there has been a shift. In its half-yearly review last week, the authority noted that its undertaking to buy dollars at HK$7.75 had been triggered “multiple times” this month, “possibly because of asset reallocations following the renminbi depreciation”.
Hong Kong’s peg has over time made it a haven for various flows of capital seeking a dollar proxy or at least a staging post. Last summer it was Russia’s turn, when rising tensions with the US and a weakening rouble prompted companies to move funds to Hong Kong.
The peg’s current period of upward pressure is, at 23 days and counting, its longest since December 2012. At that time the peg was being buffeted by a flood of US dollars from investors who, bolstered by quantitative easing, were seeking higher-yielding investments in the region.