Fund managers are bracing for a global recession by selling stocks and commodities, according to a monthly survey of investors by Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
根据美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)发布的一份月度投资者调查,基金经理正卖出股票和大宗商品,准备迎接全球衰退。
The latest sign of concern for the economic outlook comes as investors balance the effect of recovery in the US against a slowdown for China and countries that supply it with raw materials.
BofA on Tuesday described a sense of “unambiguous pessimism” at the start of September, with a third of respondents saying stock prices looked the most vulnerable to tighter monetary policy in the US.
A sustained rebound in the US, where unemployment has fallen to its lowest level since April 2008, means the Federal Reserve may this week raise interest rates for the first time in nine years.
However, investors appear more concerned about the risk of monetary policy being tightened too soon, while the state of the world economy remains uncertain and the rate of inflation is low.
Expectations for global economic growth, and the share of portfolios directed towards stocks, are the lowest in three years, according to the bank. Fund flows this year have favoured government bonds and eurozone equities at the expense of US shares and emerging market assets.
Only a quarter of respondents predicted a tightening of Fed policy this week, down from almost half in August. The first move is still thought to be imminent, however, with more than three-quarters of investors polled expecting a rate rise before the end of the year.
The report comes after Citigroup on Monday said a global recession in 2016 caused by China had become the most likely scenario for the world economy. “The likelihood of a timely and effective policy response seems to be diminishing,” economists for the bank wrote.
Citi identified overcapacity in several sectors, excessive financial leverage, and exuberant asset prices as risks for China, whose demand for raw materials has buoyed other developing economies for a decade.
Investors have shunned commodities, according to BofA, and identified a recession in China as the greatest “tail risk”, an event they see as possible and damaging but not likely. The monthly survey, which polled the views of 214 investors overseeing $593bn in assets, reported a drop in use of leverage by hedge funds to the lowest level since June 2012.
“Investor sentiment is extremely depressed,” said Trevor Greetham, head of multi-asset for Royal London.
Royal London多元资产主管特雷弗格里瑟姆(Trevor Greetham)表示:“投资者情绪极其低落。”
He said the investment manager tracked four indicators of sentiment, and the composite indicator created had dived in the past week to levels last seen during the European debt crisis and the 2008 financial crisis.
他表示,过去一周,Royal London追踪4种情绪指标得出的综合指标已降至上次在欧债危机期间以及2008年金融危机期间见到的水平。
The bull market for US stocks has entered a seventh year, but the S&P 500 remains on course for losses in 2015 after falling 9 per cent during a turbulent August.
美国股市的牛市已进入第七个年头,但照目前的趋势,今年标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)仍将下跌;在市场动荡不安的8月份,该指数下跌了9%。