A British woman has baked the world's most expensive cake which has so many precious gems it is worth 48.5 million。
It is made up of some 4000 rare stones including a 5.2 carat pink diamond a 6.4 yellow diamond。
In total the massive cake weighs some 70 stone - the same as a fully grown grizzly bear。
Miss Wingham was commissioned to make the cake by a wealthy client in the UAE, whose name has not been revealed。
The cake itself is not even the focus of the project; instead it is to showcase the stones that will be given to the client's daughter to mark her birthday and her engagement。
The front row, which includes Miss Wintour, all have edible designer handbags and are carrying smartphones and tablets。
In total there are 15 five carat white diamonds, 76 two carat black diamonds and 62 two carat white diamonds。
The runway is adorned with 400 one carat diamonds, 75 three carat white diamonds and 75 three carat black diamonds。
Every piece of the cake was hand sculpted by Miss Wingham who put in the equivalent of 45 days pulling it together from conception to completion。