Some stick-in-the-muds complain that Apple’s chief executive Tim Cook may have violated US regulations on fair disclosure by giving a sales update to Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC television’s Mad Money.
一些墨守成规者提出,苹果(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆錠克(Tim Cook)把一个最新销售情况透露给了CNBC电视台Mad Money节目的主持人吉姆克莱默(Jim Cramer),或许违反了美国关于公平披露的规定。
“Booyah!” to them. Mr Cook’s revelation that Chinese sales growth was “strong” throughout July and August was a welcome palliative to the market mayhem of recent sessions.
Concerns over the propriety are overdone. There is no suggestion that Mr Cook, unlike one recent New York case, writes market-moving information on paper napkins and has recipients eat them after reading; he chose a well-known TV host to circulate the information broadly.
In a market of fear, where worries over China are dominant — in spite of notoriously unreliable official data — any real data point serves a broader purpose. In his missive, Mr Cook also revealed that “growth in iPhone activations has actually accelerated over the past few weeks, and we have had the best performance of the year for the App Store in China during the last two weeks”.
在一个对中国的担忧压倒一切的恐慌市场中,任何真实的数据点都会产生更广泛的作用——尽管中国官方数据出了名的不可靠。库克还在其邮件中透露:“过去几周,iPhone激活量增长实际上加快了。过去两周App Store在中国取得了今年以来的最佳表现。”
Of course, Mr Cook was not being altruistic. Apple’s shares had plunged to $92, back to the level last hit in June 2014 and previously reached in August 2012. After his intervention, Apple pared its losses.
Yet Apple shares are weak. Analysts’ price targets of about $150 a share — or a reasonable 15 times forward earnings — are almost 50 per cent above today’s level. Investors are reluctant to buy shares in the world’s most valuable company, whose recent success is based on one spectacular product — the iPhone.
Meanwhile, Apple refuses to say how many of its latest category, the Apple Watch, are being sold.
与此同时,苹果拒绝透露其最新产品类别Apple Watch的销量。
If things really are rosy in Cupertino in spite of global economic uncertainty, Apple might consider making more disclosure a matter of course, not an opportunistic — though perfectly reasonable — move at times of strife.