You have probably been told that you need to attend college to get a good job. It is true that workers with only a high school diploma face unemployment rates that are twice as high as those faced by college graduates. However, high school graduates can still get high-paying jobs. Here are 4 top jobs that do not require you to have a college education.
1.Air traffic controller (annual salary – $108,000)
What do air traffic controllers do? They have the responsibility of keeping the skies safe for civilian, military, and commercial aircrafts. The primary concern of an air traffic controller is safety. This job requires a lot of dedication and concentration. To get it, you need to have some specialized training that cannot be gotten in a college. The Federal Aviation Administration designs a highly structured syllabus that prospective air traffic controllers have to go through once they finish their high school education. Once you become an air traffic controller, you will have to pass job performance exams twice a year and physical exams once a year.
2.Nuclear power reactor operators (annual salary – $68,200)
To get this job, you need to be very responsible and have plenty of technical skills. However, most nuclear power reactors only have high school diplomas. Specialized training is given to people who want this position. Additionally, the candidates need to have high school diplomas and be good at math, science, and computer operation.
3.Elevator technicians (annual salary – $59,200)
Elevator technicians are paid handsomely to ensure that the people in them are safe. They perform preventative maintenance on the elevators and keep service records. To become a repairer or installer, you should know the mechanics of elevator operation and possess the skills to fix elevators. You don't need to attend college to attain these skills; besides, there is no degree that can teach you the skills. You should join an apprenticeship program to learn the necessary skills to acquire this job. The program has classes that cover mathematics, physics, blueprint reading, and electronic theory.
4.Power distributors and dispatchers (annual salary – $60,000)
Power distributor and dispatchers repair, install, and run the systems that distribute and generate electric power. These people are responsible for providing uninterrupted electricity to manufacturing facilities, homes, and businesses. To get this job, you should have a high school diploma and undergo the required job training.