5.Sugar Ray Robinson and Jimmy Doyle
Champion boxer Sugar Ray Robinson made a bizarre prediction regarding his opponent's death. On June 25, 1947, he was supposed to fight Jimmy Doyle. In the days before the fight, Robinson made several complaints about a realistic dream he had where he killed Doyle in the fight with a left hook. The dream had troubled him so much that he made several attempts to back out of the fight.
A priest was brought in to reassure him that the dream wouldn't come true and that he should proceed with the fight, to which he eventually agreed. Robinson was winning the fight, and in the eighth round he delivered a massive left hook to Doyle's head, knocking him unconscious. As the referee deemed Robinson the winner, it was soon realized that Doyle was a lot more than just out cold. He was rushed to a hospital where he died without regaining consciousness. Robinson's dream had played out exactly as he had imagined it.
4.Pete Maravich
Pete Maravich played basketball for both the Utah Jazz and Atlanta Hawks throughout the 1970s, and he's commonly regarded as one of the best basketball players of all time. In an interview with the Beaver County Times newspaper in 1974 Maravich made an odd comment regarding his death, saying, "I don't want to play 10 years in the NBA and die of a heart attack at 40." In what's either an incredible coincidence or a very sick joke, Maravich died in 1988, after 10 years in the NBA, at the age of 40. Even more disturbingly, Maravich died despite being in seemingly perfect health because he was suffering from a rare and undiagnosed heart condition after being born without his left coronary artery.
20世纪70年代,皮特·马拉维奇曾效力犹他爵士队(Utah Jazz)和亚特兰大老鹰队(Atlanta Hawks),被认为是史上最优秀的篮球运动员之一。1974年,在Beaver County Times报纸的采访中,马拉维奇曾说:"我可不想在NBA打十年球,然后40岁死于心脏病",这一奇怪的言论恰恰印证了其日后的死因。或许是纯属巧合,也或许是造化弄人,马拉维奇死于1988年,时年40岁,正巧效力NBA10年。更不可思议的是,马拉维奇虽然看着非常健康,但最后却死于一种无法诊断的罕见的心脏病,心脏先天缺少一条左冠状动脉。
3.Mark Twain
While Mark Twain is most known for his accomplishments in writing, it's a little-known fact that he's also said to have accurately predicted his own death. Twain was born in 1835 following the appearance of Halley's Comet, which comes about once every 75 years. A year prior to his death in 1909, Twain reportedly said, "I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's Comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: ‘Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together." Sure enough, the day following the comet's closest appearance to the Earth Twain had a heart attack, killing him on April 21, 1910, at the age of 75.
2.Princess Diana
In what seems to be more of a conspiracy theory than a prediction, it was recently discovered that Princess Diana predicted her demise months before it actually happened. A letter written by the Princess to her trusted butler, Paul Burrell, explained strange feelings she had about getting into some sort of car accident. It was thought that Diana had been given some information by people who were close to the Princess about a plot that was in the works against her.
戴安娜王妃的死,与其说是预言,不如说是一场阴谋论。不过最近有调查发现,戴安娜王妃在出事的好几个月前,就觉出了不详的预兆。她曾给自己特别信任的皇室管家保罗·伯勒尔(Paul Burrell)写过一封信,信中她说总觉得自己会死于一起车祸。据说有王子身边的亲信给戴安娜王妃传信,告诉她王子正在密谋准备"解决"她。
Written in October, 1996 following her separation from Prince Charles, she claimed, "This phase in my life is the most dangerous," and that someone was "planning an accident in my car." The letter even went as far as to name the individuals she thought would be responsible for the assassination. With the multitude of ways Princess Diana could have died or been assassinated, it seems odd that she died in the exact way she had expected. Now on one hand, the letter itself has been proven to be written in Diana's handwriting, but on the other it only surfaced when Burrell needed to market a book he wrote about her. Whether you call it conspiracy or coincidence you can't deny that it was a bizarre prediction.
1.Mikey Welsh
Mikey Welsh, the bassist for Weezer, received a lot of media attention in 2011 after he supposedly predicted his death on Twitter based on a dream he had. Many years of drugs and battling personality disorders had taken their toll on the 40 year-old musician, though he had seemed in pretty good health. On September 26, 2011, Welsh tweeted that he had "dreamt I died in Chicago next weekend (heart attack in my sleep). Need to write my will today." He then quickly corrected his statement to "the weekend after next."
In addition to these odd predictions, he had made a recent Facebook post advertising a piece of $250 art he had made that said, "if I am still alive at time of purchase, price to increase exponentially if I expire prematurely." Welsh then died in a Chicago hotel room at the exact time he had predicted. While the police feel drugs may have been involved, the toxicology report was inconclusive and the exact reasons remain a mystery.
翻译:毛志遥 来源:前十网