A detailed study into 12 aspects of modern life found men experience higher levels of happiness in seven of them, including salary, appearance and body shape。
Women's scores were higher than men in the love life, family life and sex life categories。
The study also found despite the lingering economic doom, soaring cost of living and stagnant housing market the majority of us have adopted a 'Always look on the bright side of life' attitude。
Paul Keenan of Benenden Health, which commissioned the report, said: "Given the pessimistic economic outlook, the financial restraints everyone is under and the grim weather, it's good to discover deep down, there seems to be a positive and forward-looking attitude across Britain。
"Certainly, a positive attitude goes a long way towards creating a feeling of well-being which in turn can only be good for our long term health。”
"This doesn't detract from the fact many families have real difficulties and struggles to face in the current economic climate - but perhaps serves to demonstrate the British 'stiff upper lip' is alive and well in the 21st century."
The study also found the typical woman's happiness scored highly in general health and their living location. Other areas in which men emerged as happier than the opposite sex were career prospects, 'how other people see you', finances and job security。
The biggest barrier to feeling content in day to day life was money worries, which affected 46 per cent of respondents。
In fact, it would take just £132 extra a month for the average person to make ends meet and dramatically improve their overall happiness - proving that it is not just a big windfall that would help increase the average person's outlook on life but infact a relatively modest sum。
Britons said more sunny weather would be the thing most likely to raise their optimism day to day, while a little more money each month, seeing less negative news items and more affection from a partner would raise the spirits massively。
Eating a better diet, a job that is more satisfying and finally shaking a long term injury or illness all featured in the top 10 wishes for a brighter outlook。
While more reassurance from the boss, time with the kids and even their favourite sports team performing better featured in the list。
A fairly patient one third of people studied would be more optimistic in life if their partner showed them more commitment。
And, perhaps contrary to popular belief, getting hitched seems to do wonders for a brighter perspective on life with married people rating significantly happier than singles in almost all categories。
When looking forwards the study was split 50/50 between those who thought they had good reason to be positive and those searching for reasons to be optimistic about their life。
However, there was a clear trend towards happiness growing with age - over 55s proved the most likely to rate themselves as an eternal optimist. Interestingly, the younger generation seemed less upbeat overall and were most likely to say their outlook has become gloomier in recent times。
This trend rises directly with age, with the under 25s most likely to say their perspective on life has become more negative and the over 55s least likely to feel their optimism has declined。