THE sartorial puzzle is solved: Mo Yan, this year's winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, is taking five outfits in both traditional Chinese and Western styles to receive the award.
着装难题解决了:莫言,今年的诺贝尔文学奖得主,带了包括传统中国风和西方风格在内的5套服装来领奖 。
Mo's wardrobe for the trip became the subject of much Internet debate in China, with some unhappy over earlier reports he would wear a tuxedo because it wouldn't be uniquely Chinese.
China's first Nobel laureate will leave today for Sweden with his wife and daughter. Translators for several languages including English will accompany him, said Shao Chunsheng, an official with Mo's hometown of Gaomi City in Shandong Province.
中国第一位诺贝尔文学奖获得者今天将与他的妻子和女儿一起前往瑞典 。包括英语翻译在内的多名翻译陪同,莫言家乡山东省高密市的官员邵春生说 。
"He may dress in a tailor-made tuxedo prepared by his daughter while attending the award ceremony," Shao said.
“他可能在参加颁奖典礼时穿他女儿准备的特制燕尾服,”邵说 。
"He has prepared five outfits, including a tuxedo, Western-style suit and 'Mao suit,' for different activities," Shao added.
“他为不同的活动场合准备了5套服装,包括燕尾服、西装和中山装,”邵补充道 。
The Mao suit is a tunic suit popularized by China's revolutionary forerunner Dr Sun Yat-sen. It is known in the West as an icon of China.
中山装是由中国革命先驱孙中山推广开来的外套 。它以中国标志而享誉西方 。
Some netizens unhappy over the tuxedo have been trying different Chinese-style clothes on edited images of the author on the Internet, saying they would make him stand out.
对燕尾服不满的一些网民在互联网上一直尝试用不同的中式衣服来编辑这位作家的形象,说它们将使他脱颖而出 。
One photo showed Mo in a loose-fitting robe worn by the Chinese for over 3,000 years before the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).
一张照片显示莫言穿着一件清朝以前的3000多年以来 (1644 - 1911)中国人常穿的宽松长袍 。
The writer has learned to waltz because Swedish king and queen will also attend the ceremony, set for December 10, Qilu Evening News reported.
这位作家已经学会了跳华尔兹,因为瑞典国王和王后也将出席这个定于12月10日的仪式,《齐鲁晚报》报道 。