Some people choose being sarcastic because beating someone up can probably get you arrested in today's society. Some say being sarcastic is an emotional tool to shield your feelings. Others say that it is a way to insult the idiots of this world and get away with it.
If you don't get sarcasm, you might need to get with the program and start using your brain. There are several studies out that are now showing that sarcastic people are smarter than you think. So we have put together 10 solid reasons why sarcastic people are actually really smart.
10.They can see right through you
According to Dr. Shaman-Tsoory, who is a psychologist at the University of Haifa, “understanding other people's state of mind and emotions are related to our ability to understand sarcasm.” Yes, this means they can see right through you and your smoke and mirrors.
根据海法大学(University of Haifa)的心理学家Shaman-Tsoory博士说:“能否理解他人的思维状态和情绪与他能否理解挖苦密切相关。”没错,这也就意味着他们能够看透你和你呈现的迷雾幻境。
If they are responding with a sarcastic remark to your “I was late because…” story, then they probably do not believe you. They can read you pretty easily and know what to say to trigger whatever emotion they want. It is pretty much the closest thing to a mind-reading super power. You were warned.
9.They have sharper brains
In an article that Richard Chin wrote for the Smithsonian, h explained that the human brain has to work harder to understand sarcasm. That means that people who use sarcasm often work their brains just a little bit harder than you. So that friend coming up with the quick quips to snap back at you may be a jerk, but they are a sharp jerk.
在理查德·陈(Richard Chin)为史密森尼(Smithsonian美国史密森尼学会官方发行的杂志)所写的文章中说道,人类大脑在理解挖苦和讽刺时需要花费更多功夫。也就是说,经常讽刺挖苦的人需要比你更多用脑。所以,那位总是想出呛人的话攻击你的朋友也许是个混蛋,但他也是个聪明的混蛋。
8.They are great problem solvers
In the very same article, it goes over that sarcasm also helps them with their creative problem solving skills. Yup, go ahead and write them onto your zombie apocalypse team list. They will probably save your life.
在同一篇文章中,作者还论述了这一观点,挖苦能使善于挖苦的人拥有极具创造性的解决问题的技巧。没错,赶紧把他们写在你《僵尸启示录》(zombie apocalypse一款末日类型的游戏)的队伍名单里。他们也许会救你的命。
7.They are equipped with the key social skill for today's society
It is said by John Haiman, a linguist at Macalaster College, that sarcasm is practically the primary language in today's society. Usually sarcastic people are going to be keeping the conversation going and not be the person awkwardly standing in the back pretending to laugh at everyone else's jokes.
玛卡莱斯特学院(Macalaster College)的语言学家约翰·海曼(John Haiman)说,讽刺挖苦几乎是当今社会中最重要的语言。通常,善于讽刺之人能够把握对话的走向,而不是尴尬的站在角落对别人说的笑话假假得做出回应。
6.They not only have great minds, they have thick skin
Sarcastic people are smart enough not to take everything to heart. This means they don't burst out into tears when you are teasing each other over being tipsy after a few beers. They can throw the punches as well as take them. You rarely find them playing the victim in the situation, because let's face it, no one likes a victim.
翻译:张茜 来源:前十网