Batman is one of America's most beloved superheroes, and comic book's first anti-heroes. Over the years he's been in movies, video games and television and has gone through many changes. While virtually everyone knows something about Batman, there's a lot that many don't know. Here's a list of some things you probably never heard about the Caped Crusader.
10.Batman the gunslinger
It took a little time for Bob Kane to refine the Batman character. Nowadays, Batman not only refuses to use guns, but hates them completely. This is logical, considering a gun killed his parents, and ever since he has stalwartly refused to use firearms in his crime fighting. However, in early issues Batman was something of a costumed Sherlock Homes, doing more detective work than fighting, but still carrying a six-gun at his side on his night patrols. Bob Kane soon changed this, saying that Batman wearing a gun didn't "Feel Right".
为了塑造蝙蝠侠这一角色,漫画家鲍勃·凯恩(Bob Kane)可谓下了不少功夫。现在的蝙蝠侠不仅拒绝使用枪支,更是对枪械恨之入骨。因为蝙蝠侠的父母均死于枪杀,所以在各种打击犯罪的活动中便都拒绝使用枪支。然而,在早期发行的漫画版本中,蝙蝠侠更像是身着披风的神探夏洛克,其角色定位更偏向于一个侦探,而不是打击犯罪的超级英雄,所以每次夜间巡逻时,他都会配备一把左轮枪在身上。但是出版没多久,鲍勃·凯恩就改变了这一设定,因为他说总觉得别着枪的蝙蝠侠"感觉不对"。
9.The Seduction of the Innocent
In 1954, Dr. Frederic Wertham a German-American Psychiatrist published the infamous "Seduction of the Innocent" A book that claimed comic books, with their violent imagery, were contributing to juvenile delinquency. Most of the book focused on crime and horror comics, but superhero comics were targeted in a few instances. One notorious account claimed that Batman and Robin were a depiction of a gay couple. Of course, this is ridiculous, but many think this claim is what inspired writers to make Batman (or more accurately, Bruce Wayne) a shameless womanizer to help chase off the rumor.
1954年,德裔美国心理学家弗雷德里克·魏特汉博士(Dr. Frederic Wertham)出版了《纯真的诱惑》(Seduction of the Innocent)一书,宣称漫画中的暴力情节会诱导青少年去模仿,从而引发犯罪行为,因为当时大多数漫画都以犯罪与恐怖为主题,而超级英雄系列漫画更可以说是其中的"佼佼者"。于是,便出现一种言论抨击《蝙蝠侠》含有同性恋内容的暗示,认为漫画中把蝙蝠侠与罗宾描绘成了恋人的关系。毫无疑问,这种质疑是荒谬的。不过也有人认为,若非这项看似荒谬的质疑,"老爷"也不会为了避嫌而被刻画为如今我们所熟知的这位花花公子了。
8.Hugh Hefner
If there's anything that Hugh Hefner is passionate about, aside from lovely ladies, it's comic books. Hefner admits that, aside from publishing, one of his early projects was cartooning. Much later in life, he still liked to throw comic-book themed parties. In 1965, at the Chicago Playboy club, the Hef decided to have a Batman themed party that celebrated the campiness of the comic. He had actors dressed as Batman and Robin at the party, using the goofy "Golly gee whiz" lines from the comic, and the old Batman movie serials were screened. Little did Hef know, Yale Udoff , an ABC executive was attending. When he saw the crowd's positive reaction to the goofy Batman and Robin, he immediately ran to a pay phone and called ABC with an idea for a new Batman TV show. So was born the campy but lovable 1960's Batman series.
如果说除了金发女郎以外,还有什么能让休·海夫纳(HughHefner,世界著名色情杂志《花花公子》的创刊人及主编,以及花花公子企业的首席创意官—译者注)充满激情的话,那就只有漫画了。海夫纳曾坦言,早年时候的自己忙于杂志的出版,唯一的消遣就是看漫画,甚至到了老年时期,他还依然热衷于举办漫画主题的派对。1965年在芝加哥花花公子俱乐部,海夫纳决定举办一个蝙蝠侠主题派对,为这部"基情四射"的漫画点赞。在派对上,他让演员们装扮成蝙蝠侠和罗宾的形象,口中呆萌地念叨着漫画书中的台词"Golly gee whiz"。海夫纳并不知道,时任美国广播公司的执行总监耶鲁·尤多夫(Yale Udoff)也参加了那次派对。在派对上,尤多夫看到大家对呆萌的蝙蝠侠和罗宾异常喜爱,于是便立马给美国广播公司打电话,提出做一档有关蝙蝠侠的电视节目的构想。可以说正是由于这次的契机,才诞生了后来充满基情而又惹人喜爱的60年代版蝙蝠侠系列电视节目。
7.The Real Names
Everybody knows batman's real name is Bruce Wayne. Robin is, of course, Dick Grayson. But there were other Robins, namely Jason Todd, Tim Drake and briefly, Stephanie Brown. The main villains are fairly well know: Catwoman is Selena Kyle, the Penguin's name is Oswald Cobblepot, and The Riddler is Edward Nigma (E-Nigma . . .get it?) Two-Face's name was Harvey Dent (that one's obvious thanks to the recent movie), and Bruce Wayne's loyal butler Alfred's full name is "Alfred Pennyworth". The name of the thug who originally murdered Batman's parents was Joe Chill. More mysterious is the real name of The Joker, who for many years was a character without a real origin, and his real identity (if he could be said to have one) was never revealed. Only recently The Joker got an origin story, and thereby a real name: Jack Napier – named after Alan Napier who played Alfred in the Batman TV series.
大家都知道,蝙蝠侠的本名是布鲁斯·维恩(Bruce Wayne),第一任少年助手罗宾的本名是迪克·格雷森(Dick Grayson),之后漫画中还有过很多任罗宾,分别由杰森·托特(Jason Todd),蒂姆·德雷克(Tim Drake)和斯蒂芬妮·布朗(Stephanie Brown)等角色担任。漫画中的那些坏人也给人们留下深刻的印象,猫女赛琳娜·凯尔(Selena Kyle),企鹅人奥斯韦德·科波珀特(Oswald Cobblepot),谜语人爱德华·尼格马(Edward Nigma,剧中化名E-Nigma,知道了吧?),双面人哈维·丹特(Harvey Dent,此角色因近期电影而再次走红),还有蝙蝠侠布鲁斯·维恩的老管家,他的本名是阿尔弗雷德·潘尼沃斯(Alfred Pennyworth)。以及漫画一开始杀害了蝙蝠侠父母的犯罪分子乔·切尔(Joe Chill)。然而,最令人感到神秘的是小丑这个角色,多年以来,漫画中都没提及他的出身,所以其身份一直是一个谜。直到最近,我们才知道了小丑的身世:小丑本名为杰克·内皮尔(Jack Napier),姓从电视剧《蝙蝠侠》中饰演老管家阿尔弗雷德的阿兰·纳皮儿(Alan Napier)。
6.Batman's first Movie
What was Batman's first movie, ever? Well, casual fans will point out Tim Burton's 1990 "Batman" but more savvy fans will no doubt point out that Adam West starred in a Batman movie in 1966 that was theatrically released. In truth, they're both wrong. The first time Batman that was ever depicted in a movie that had any kind of release was "Batman, Dracula" in 1964, directed and produced by none other than Andy Warhol. Few people have seen it, and all prints are thought to be long gone, but what we do know is that the detective was played by longtime Warhol collaborator, Gregory Battcock, and it was completely unauthorized by DC Comics. Some surviving footage appeared in a later Warhol film "Jack Smith and the destruction of Atlantis"
史上第一部出现蝙蝠侠的电影是什么?普通粉丝也许会说是1990年蒂姆·波顿(Tim Burton)导演的版本,而铁粉则会斩钉截铁地说首部剧场版是1966年由亚当·威斯特(Adam West)主演的版本。但事实上,蝙蝠侠的形象第一次出现在大荧幕上是1964年由安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)执导并出品的《蝙蝠侠,吸血鬼》(Batman, Dracula)。虽然这部电影的底片已经遗失多年,看过这部电影的人也不多,不过能够确信的是,此部影片由沃霍尔及其合伙人约翰·班特库克(Gregory Battcock)共同完成,且完全未经过DC 漫画公司(DC Comics)授权。因此,只有在沃霍尔之后的电影《杰克·史密斯和亚特兰蒂斯的毁灭》(Jack Smith and the destruction of Atlantis)中,人们才得以看到一些此部电影残存的片段。
翻译:毛志遥 编辑:陈艳冲 来源:前十网