We are said to be living in the age of disruption. Technology is enabling start-ups to overturn traditional businesses. The likes of Uber and Airbnb are threatening the taxi business and the travel industry. Carmakers are competing with tech companies such as Google.
For those in charge of established companies, devising strategies to stay afloat is a priority but they also need to manage employees’ anxieties. I asked veteran business leaders, consultants and a workplace researcher for tips on handling staff in such circumstances.
John Reid
约翰里德(John Reid)
Former CEO of Warner Music Europe
华纳音乐欧洲(Warner Music Europe)前首席执行官
At Warner, Mr Reid gained first-hand experience of how the recorded music industry was the canary in the coal mine for digital disruption. The sort of structural upheaval that ravaged CD sales can prompt an “existential fear among employees”, he observes. It meant that talented people left the industry, believing that they had no future.
Today, he says, the recorded music industry is competing with the likes of Google for staff. “That’s a challenge. You still want bright, contemporary thinkers entering the industry.” Smaller budgets mean more work for remaining staff. But staff retention is aided by emotional attachment to the product.
For some, the challenge and excitement of digital disruption in itself is compelling. Staff have to adapt, learning new technical skills, spotting new challengers and also new markets.
Mr Reid left the recorded music industry for live music and now leads the European operations of global concert operator, Live Nation. He admits to feeling much happier “now I’m not cutting costs and instead, growing a company”. Nonetheless, he knows he cannot afford to be complacent. “Live music is not immune to digital disruption,” particularly when it comes to ticketing.
里德离开唱片业,进入了现场音乐行业,现在负责领导全球演唱会承办商Live Nation的欧洲分部。他承认,现在感觉更快乐,“现在,我不是在削减成本,相反,我在发展壮大一家公司”。尽管如此,他知道自己还不能自满。“现场音乐也无法免受数字颠覆的影响,”特别是在票务方面。
Tammy Erickson
塔米埃里克森(Tammy Erickson)
Executive fellow at London Business School
伦敦商学院(London Business School)管理研究员(executive fellow)
Ms Erickson’s research has been on managing a changing workforce. “We tend to join a company or industry with a future in mind,” she observes. “When an industry goes through transition, employees feel the psychological contract has been broken.”
She looked at US utilities after the market was deregulated in the 1990s, and found that employees who had joined for a stable career were distressed when told to be entrepreneurial and take risks.
Ms Erickson believes it is important that management acknowledges the problem. “You have to say ‘I know you joined for this reason but things have changed.’” Managers need to be clear about what they can give in return for employees’ loyalty. “It might be thatyou offer professional development. If that is the case, you have to make it happen.” This could mean exposure to a broader range of aspects of the business or mentoring.
The risk is that you lose valuable staff, she says. “So employers need to come up with compelling propositions, to explain why [you should] work for them rather than someone else.” Yet there is always the risk, she notes, that employers are as paralysed as employees when faced by new challengers.