Computers are no longer just something we use every day but an integral part of our daily lives. Unfortunately, their omnipresence in our society doesn't mean everyone has a full understanding of them. Many people have misconceptions about their computers and how to protect themselves from those who would target their systems maliciously.
10.Password Length And Complexity
One of the most enduring nuggets of computer-related wisdom is to make your password as long, complex, and cryptic as humanly possible. As a result, incredibly easy-to-guess passwords like "password" are becoming a thing of the past. However, that doesn't mean that people have learned their lesson. Some people make passwords so long that they have trouble remembering them, so they write them down somewhere. This makes it very easy for someone else to find their way in. Many people also choose passwords related to something they like, which makes it easy for someone who knows them to guess.
While your password shouldn't be easily guessed, it doesn't really need to be that complex. What's more important is not reusing it across different sites. With so many different sites to log into and passwords to remember, many people have chosen to use the same password everywhere. The problem is that if a hacker manages to break into a site and snatch their database, they can now use your password across multiple sites. The best thing you can do to keep your passwords in your head, something mildly complex but easy to remember, and vary them over multiple sites.
9.The Blue Screen Of Death
Many people assume when they have a blue screen of death that either their computer is about to die forever or that they have a virus. But while blue screens used to be a sign of much more serious trouble, they are rarely fatal errors anymore and rarely have anything to do with a virus. A blue screen nearly always occurs because a new program or a driver update caused a problem, and the computer responded by shutting itself down to prevent damage.
More recent versions of Windows deal with blue screen errors much better than in the past, so it isn't usually much of a problem to worry about anymore. Of course, it can still occasionally be a serious hardware problem, but it won't be because you have a virus. The best thing to do is plug the error message into Google and go from there.
8.Random Access Memory
RAM, or Random Access Memory, is often just referred to as "memory." For this reason, many people think that when they are running low on space, they need more RAM. However, the long-term storage device is the hard drive, which can be confusing, because it doesn't have the word "memory" in its name.
随机存取存储器(RAM: Random Access Memory)通常被认作为"内存"。因此,当电脑运行空间不足时,许多人认为需要更多内存。但是,长期存储器是硬件,会让人混淆是因为名字中没有"内存"的意思。
Memory in a computer works similarly to memory in the human brain. The human brain has long-term storage, where we keep memories, and a working memory where you can keep a running conversation and do arithmetic in your head. While we are performing these tasks with our working memory, we also have the ability to retrieve memories from deep storage.
A computer runs in much the same way. The hard drive contains the computer's long-term memories—videos, pictures, and other files. The RAM is your working memory and performs immediate tasks, such as running Facebook, playing Candy Crush, and loading email while chatting on Skype. If your computer starts to perform slowly when you are trying to do all of these tasks, you probably need more RAM. If you find you don't have enough room for all of your files, you need a bigger hard drive.
翻译:文思捷 来源:前十网