Harbin Institute of Technology
General Information
Harbin Institute of Technology(HIT) was founded in 1920 and is now a state key university under the administration of the Commission of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defense. Since 1954,HIT has repeated1y been designated as one of China's leading institutions of higher education and assuch has received significant financial support and investment from the Central Government. It was listed in the first group of the national“Project 211”universities in 1996 to receive preferential support for development.Affer 86 years of development,HIT has developed into a large multi-disciplinary nationally renowned univercity with science and engineering and research as its core,the combination of science,engineering,administration,economics and law.
Harbin Institute of Technology is located in Harbin city and now occupies an area of 4 274 547 square meters with a floor space up to 1 463 465 square meters.Besides its main campus located in Harbin of 3 440 797 square meters,HIT also has campuses in Weihai of 833 750 square meters.
The total collection of the university library reaches over 2. 71 million volumes including electronic books.
HIT is composed of 21 academic schools and departments according to its disciplines and offers 66 undergraduate specialties,143 master's programs,81 doetoral programs and 18 post-doctoral research stations. Besides,there are 18 national key specialties,8 state key laboratories and 22 provincial and ministerial key laboratories.
HIT believes one of the most important elements in maintaining our high academic standards is our faculty. HIT employs a great number of scholars well known domestically and internationally. Currently,there are 2 943 faculty members,including 809 professors,1 141 associate professors,22 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering,4 teachers awar-ded the honor of“Outstanding College Lecturers",4 innovation teams of the Ministry of Education,13 special professors“Cheungkong Scholars Program" and 636 doctoral supervisors.
学校具有一支锐意进取、业务精良和作风过硬的师资队伍。学校有专任教师2 948人,有教授809人,副教授1 141人,其中工程院院士、科学院院士22人(含双院士2人),国家教学名师4人,教育部创新团队4个,“长江学者”13人,有博士生导师636人。
HIT has a total enrollment of 39 334 full time students,including 25 035 undergraduates,8 433 master's degreed candidates and 4 387 doctoral candidates.
学校现有普通高等教育全E}制学生39 334人,其中本科生25 035人、硕士生8 433人、博士生4 387人。
Today,all the faculty,students and staff of HIT,with full confidence,are dediGating their concerted efforts to advance bravely towards the goal of building HIT into a well-known world-class university.
Glorious History
1920 Harbin Sino-Russian Industry School,the predecessor of Harbin Institute of Technology,was founded.
1922 It was renamed Harbin Sino-Russian Industry University.
1928 It was officially renamed Harbin Industry University.
1936 It was renamed Harbin Polytechnic.
1938 It was renamed Harbin Institute of Technology.
1959 It Separated into three:Northeastern Heavy Machinery College;Harbin Institute of Technology:Harbin Architecture University.
1970 HIT moved to hinterland and was renamed Chongqing Industry University.
1974 Chongqing Industry University Returned to Harbin and restored its name as Harbin Institute of Technology.