中英双语话中国名校 第35期:大连海事大学
日期:2015-07-22 18:35


Dalian Maritime University

General Information

Dalign Information Maritime University(DMU)is one of the largest and best maritime universities. It is a key maritime institution under the Ministry of Communications. DMU's high international reputation as an excellent center of maritime education and training has been recognized by the International Maritime Organization(IMO ).


The long history of the University can be traced back to 1909,when the Nanyang Institute in Shanghai established a Shipping Management Section. to 1960,DMU was designated a national key institution of higher education. Later in 1983,the Asia-Pacific Region Maritime Training Center was established at DMU by the United Nations Development Program(UNDP) and the IMO,and in 1985,a branch of the World Maritime University(WMU)was established. In 1998,the University was awarded the IS09001 Certificate of Quality Assurance accredited by the Norwegian Det Norske Veritas(DNV)and the China Maritime Safety Administration (MSA );it became the first maritime university in China to have the IS09001 Certificate. On August 22nd and October 20th in 1993,the Chinese Government leaders,former President Jiang Zemin,Vice President Zeng Qinghong,Premier Wen Jiabao,and Vice Premier Li Lanqing,respectively,inspected DMU.Former President Jiang wrote a few words of encouragement for DMU:“Be steadfast,rigorous,industrious,and pioneering in order to build the University into one of the preeminent maritime universities in the world.”
大连海事大学历史悠久,其前身可追溯到1909年晚清邮传部上海高等实业学堂(南洋公学)船政科。1960年,大连海运学院被确定为全国重点大学;1983年,联合国开发计划署(UNDP)和国际海事组织(IMO)在学校设立了亚太地区国际海事培训中心;1985年设立世界海事大学大连分校;1998年学校的质量管理体系通过国家港务监督局和挪威船级社(DNV)的认证,成为我国第一所获得ISO 9001质量管理体系认证证书和DNV三个认证规则证书的大学;1993年8月22日和10月20日,江泽民、温家宝、曾庆红、李岚清等党和国家领导人先后视察了大连海事大学。江泽民同志亲笔为学校题词“坚定、严谨、勤奋、开拓,建设世界第一流的高等航海学府!。”


DMU is located in southwestern Dalian which is a famous coastal city in northeastern China with a population of six million.The University covers an area of 1.13 million square meters with about half a million square meters occupied by buildings. The University owns buildings for maritime sciences that contain fully functional equipment and facilities. There are additional buildings for maritime training and research,survival training,a swimming pool,a planetarium and libraries.DMU has a training dock and over 40 laboratories for teaching,training and research;there is a full mission ship-handling simulator and an engine room simulator. DMU also owns and operates an ocean-going training vessel of over 10 000 deadweight tonnage.
The University consists of 13 colleges. Presently DMU has 42 undergraduat programs,2 first-class doctoral programs,12 second-class doctoral programs,7 first-class master's degree programs and 59 second-class master's degree programs. The University is authorized to confer MBA,MPA,J. M,and Master of Engineering,an on-the-job master's degree. Transport Engineering first-class discipline has a post-doctoral P&D base. Both the Traffic Information Engineering and Control and Marine Engineering are national key disciplines.
大连海事大学设有13个学院,设有42个本科专业,拥有2个一级学科博士点、12个二级学科博士点、7个一级学科硕士点和59个二级学科硕士点,拥有工商管理硕士(MBA )、公共管理硕士(MPA )、法律硕士(J. M)专业学位授予权及工程硕士、高校教师在职攻读硕士学位授予权。交通运输工程一级学科设有博士后);IL动站。交通信息_l程及控制和轮机」二程为国家重点学科一。
The current student number has risen to approximately 17 000.Since the amalgamation,DMU has educated and trained nearly 50 000 advanced professionals and technical authorities for the country. Many of them are now playing essential roles in maritime and maritime-related industries both in and outside of China.Additionally,our university enrolls overseas students for Bachelor's and Master's Degrees and PhDs. More than 4 000 overseas students and advanced professionals from over 30 countries and regions have been educated and trained at DMU.
现有在校共学生7 000余人。并校50余年来,学校为国家培养了各类高级专业技术人才近5万名:托中大多数已成为我国及国际航运事业的骨干力量。学校同时招收攻读学士、硕士、博士学位的外国留学生。学校还为30多个国家和地区培养、培训留学生及各类高级专业技术人才4 000余名。
DMU has a highly qualified faculty which is comprised of 192 professors,more than 100 doctoral supervisors,5 first-class discipline leaders,42 second-class discipline leaders,96 academic leaders and a large number of excellent young faculty staff members. The team of young specialists and professors is well equipped in profound theoretical knowledge and capable of extensive research in the fields of marine traffic engineering,maritime information engineering,artificial intelligence application onboard vessels,ship power systems and energy-saving technology,marine engine repairing,communication and information systems,marine environmental protection,and maritime law.
Facing the future with its new opportunities and challenges,DMU will continue to bear in mind its mission statement,“be steadfast,rigorous,industrious,pioneering".It is determined to focus on our mission by exploring and grasping exciting opportunities,creatively addressing new challenges and,with multiple discipiines for research and education,DMU will achieve its goal of upgrading the Universify to a position of preeminence among the world's maritime universities.

Glorious History

1909 Shipping Management Section of the Nar}yang Institute in Shanghai,the procedessor of DMU,was established.
1953 Dalian Marine College was created through the amalgamation of three merchant marine institutions:Shanghai Nautical College,the Northeast Navigation College and Fujian Navigation School.
1994 Dalian Marine College was renamed Dalian Maritime Jniversity authorized by the State Education Commission.
