7.It Was Rebuilt By Lex Luthor
"No man's land" seemed to be the problem Gotham would never recover from. An earthquake massacre, a ruined city, mass evacuations, and federal abandonment seemed to be the perfect storm to destroy the city. It was saved by a very unlikely source: Lex Luthor. He spent oodles of his seemingly endless money in order to rebuild the city from the ground up.
Interestingly, the government's hands were tied. They had literally abandoned Gotham City, making the city itself outside of their jurisdiction. Therefore, America could not do much to stop Luthor helping out an embedded chunk of no-longer-America short of sending in the military—which would have been a public relations disaster for the president. Who wants to be seen as the president sending in tanks to stop a rich humanitarian from saving lives? So, Lex rebuilt the city, and the president gave in to public pressure and brought Gotham City back into the United States.
As for Lex, it turned out to be part of a gamble to control almost all of the city through hard-to-trace fraud. Batman stopped Luthor, but only after the villainous mogul returned the city to its former majesty.
6.Gotham Is Green Lantern's City, Too
Gotham is understandably synonymous with Batman for many casual fans. However, Batman is not the only hero who has a decades-old claim on the city, as it was also home to Green Lantern. This was not the Green Lantern that many are familiar with—the space cop with a willpower-fueled ring—but instead his Golden Age predecessor, Alan Scott.
This Lantern's ring was quite literally a magic ring that was powered by a mystical force known as the Starheart. Despite this difference, his powers would be very familiar to modern-day Lantern fans. He can fly, emit bursts of energy, and create objects through both imagination and willpower. In some ways, he has a one-up on Hal Jordan and other future Green Lanterns with his magical abilities that help him cancel magic spells, pass through walls, and even teleport.
Alan Scott originally lived in Gotham City and worked for the Gotham City Broadcasting company. He fought crime in the city as Green Lantern, and a young Bruce Wayne once saw him fighting the villain Icicle on Gotham's streets, helping to inspire the future Batman.
5.Gotham's Government Makes Batman's Life Easier
It's tempting to completely turn off one's incredulity when reading a Batman story. After all, after accepting that a story about a billionaire beating up the mentally ill is meant to be both noble and serious, it would seem easier to accept anything except, perhaps, this: Why are all of those rooftops free for Batman to skulk around on? Where are the garish advertisements and neon signs that litter the rooftops of every other major metropolis?
Fortunately, the comics provide an answer for this question. In Dan Slott's Arkham Asylum: Living Hell comic, he revealed that an Arkham inmate actually named Humpty Dumpty once attempted to fix the Gotham clock tower, causing a huge chain reaction that knocked down most of the giant and oversized advertisement props on Gotham's rooftops. Afterward, Gotham passed the "Sprang Act" which forbade gigantic prop advertisements within the city. This is supposed to provide an explanation (albeit whimsical) for where all of the oversized props used by villains in the Golden and Silver Age went, and also to honor Batman penciller Dick Sprang.
还好,在漫画书上做出了解答。丹·索罗特在《阿卡姆:人间地狱》中提到了这个故事。阿卡姆疯人院中一个绰号叫做"矮胖子"的精神病犯曾尝试修复哥谭市的钟塔,结果拆掉了大多数楼顶上的广告牌。后来,哥谭市政府颁布了一项名叫"Sprang act"的法令,该法令禁止在哥谭市内搭建大型广告牌。虽然很荒唐可笑,但它却解释了在其他超级英雄漫画常被大反派利用的大型广告牌为什么不在蝙蝠侠的战斗中出现的原因,其实这项法令也是为了纪念蝙蝠侠的创作者之一——Dick Sprang。
4.Gotham Is Actually In New Jersey?
Gotham is a city with multiple identities. It was originally New York City in the most literal sense—that is, the earliest Batman stories were set in New York City before "Gotham" was ever mentioned. The visual influence of an older New York is alive in both Burton's Batman movies and Fox's Gotham TV show. Christopher Nolan's iconic Batman films are well-known for being filmed mostly in Chicago. However, the best case for the location of the comic book Gotham is, in fact, New Jersey.
The most definitive "evidence" of this comes from a 1990 DC Comics role-playing book that provided a map of that universe's America, and this map very clearly placed Gotham City in New Jersey. To be fair, it's easy enough to dismiss a decades-old role-playing game book as non-canonical. However, Detective Comics No. 503 mentioned the infamous Jersey Shore as being only 20 miles north of Gotham, and Robin and Batgirl quickly went from being in the Bat Cave to driving on New Jersey's Hudson County Highway. Finally, the Shadow of the Bat Annual from 1994 clearly shows a license plate that reads "Gotham City, NJ."
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