Emergency government measures designed to curb a free fall in the Chinese stock market last week have apparently succeeded in stabilising the market. Now regulators have turned their attention to the root causes of the boom-bust cycle.
Late on Sunday the China Securities Regulatory Commission warned brokerages not to open their trading systems to so-called fund-matching companies that distribute grey-market margin loans to investors, with few safeguards. Such lending occurs outside the regulatory framework that governs margin finance by brokerages.
“Leverage by itself isn’t necessarily threatening,” says Liu Yuhui, a researcher at the Institute of Finance and Banking at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a think-tank advising the government. “The problem is that it’s not transparent. Regulators can’t see what’s going on. That’s very dangerous.”
Mr Liu says the CSRC’s move “should have been done when the index was at 3,000-4,000”. The Shanghai Composite peaked at 5,179 on June 12 before dropping below 3,500 last Wednesday.
刘煜辉表示,中国证监会此举“应该在股指介于3000点和4000点之间时就完成”。上证综指(Shanghai Composite)在6月12日触及5179点的顶峰,上周三则跌破3500点水平。
The effect of the CSRC’s action has been swift. Xunqianwang, a Shanghai-based online fund-matching company whose Chinese name translates to “Search for Money Net”, told clients the CSRC’s action had forced it to quit the business. Miniu98.com, a peer-to-peer fund-matching company, made a similar announcement yesterday.
Analysts agree the crackdown is necessary to prevent excessive risk-taking and increase transparency. In the short term, however, it could cut off a source of liquidity to the market, just as Chinese stocks have begun to regain their footing with the help of a ban on selling by big shareholders and hundreds of billions of renminbi in government funds.
CSRC even suggested on Sunday that grey-market margin lending had contributed to the recovery of stock prices late last week. “In recent days, as the market has regained stability, these illegal practices have staged a comeback,” the agency said. The official China Securities Journal similarly reported last week that banks had restarted umbrella trusts in response to demand from investors hoping to bet on a rebound.
The market extended its gains yesterday, suggesting that so far the restriction on grey-market funding has not hindered the recovery. But analysts say the CSRC will seek to strike a balance between encouraging fund inflows in the short term and promoting deleveraging over the medium term.
“It’s like a flood on the riverbanks,” says Zhang Qi of Haitong Securities in Shanghai. “If the water surges to a high level, you can’t channel it away all at once. If the water retreats too fast, it may wash away the lowlands.”
“这就像洪水冲击河岸,”上海海通证券(Haitong Securities)的张琪表示。“如果水位突然涨得很高,你不能一下子把这些水都引向别处。如果水退得太快,它可能会冲刷低地。”
This approach explains why, even as it clamps down on grey-market margin lenders, the CSRC recently loosened rules on brokerage margin finance into the market. Brokerage margin loans outstanding have fallen sharply from a peak of Rmb2.4tn on June 18 to Rmb1.4tn ($225bn) on Friday.
This “open the front door, close the back door” approach reflects the important differences between regulated and unregulated margin finance. Since they were not subject to regulation, fund-matching companies permitted higher leverage and lower barriers to entry. While brokerages offer two renminbi in credit for every one renminbi of the client’s own money, Xunqianwang offered investors leverage as high as six to one.
Higher leverage meant stock prices did not have to fall far to trigger forced selling. At a 2:1 leverage ratio, stocks could fall by a third before hitting mandatory stop-loss thresholds. At 6:1, the trigger may be only 14 per cent.
Haitong estimates that Rmb500bn-Rmb1tn in margin funds have flowed into the market outside regulated channels, on top of the Rmb2.3tn in normal margin loans from brokerages.
Regulators have also turned their attention to technical developments that enabled the margin boom. Most fund-matching companies relied on a cloud-based software program called Homs, developed by Hundsun Technologies, a financial technology company whose largest shareholder is Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba.
监管者们也将注意力转向促成保证金热潮的技术发展。多数配资公司依赖基于云计算的软件程序Homs,这款软件是由金融科技公司恒生电子(Hundsun Technologies)开发的,而该公司的最大股东是阿里巴巴(Alibaba)创始人马云(Jack Ma)。
The CSRC did not mention Hundsun or Homs by name but the agency clearly had Homs in mind when it warned brokerages to verify the true identities of those trading through their accounts.
Hundsun defended itself from accusations that its product had contributed to the stock market bust. “It’s not objective or rational to say Homs was the major force of the stock market turmoil,” the company said.