The pleasure and pain of shoes: something afoot at the V&A
One of the first things you notice on entering the V&A’s new summer exhibition Shoes: Pleasure&Pain are the ballet slippers wornby Moria Shearer in Powell and Press burger’s film The Red Shoes.
一进入英国国立维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆,第一眼看见的便是夏日展厅里的鞋子:那是莫伊拉·希勒出演鲍威尔和皮斯伯格的电影《红菱艳》时穿过的红色芭蕾舞鞋,那双红舞鞋展现了女主人公的苦与乐 。
Instead of being the usual confectionery pink, satin slippers appear to have been dipped in blood. In the Hans Christian Andersen story on which the 1948 film is loosely based, the heroine Karen is doomed to dance to her death for wanting to show off her new crimson shoes in church.
和一般的糖果粉相反,那双绸子的鞋子似乎已染上了血的颜色 。1948年的电影大体基于安徒生的故事,在教堂里想要炫耀她的新鞋子的女主角卡伦注定要跳舞直到死亡 。
Even after she hacks off her incessantly whirling feet, the bloodied stumps continue to caper. Likewise, Shearer, as Vicky Page, is danced to her death by her fidgety red slippers as a punishment for wanting both art and love, ballet and marriage. In both cases, the red shoes, which initially seemed to offer the fulfilment of female desire, turn out to be its fatal scourge.
在她破解了不停地旋转的脚上(的魔法)之后,血迹斑斑的树桩仍然在雀跃 。而且,就像是维基页面显示的一样,由于艺术和爱情,芭蕾和婚姻不可兼得,红舞鞋惩罚希勒跳到死 。在这两种情况下,红舞鞋最初都似乎满足了女性欲望,但同时也是其致命的灾难 。
It’s a bit like that in real life too. The fashion for wearing ballerina slippers as streetwear, which crested a couple of years ago, appeared to offer the pleasing possibility of skipping insouciantly through summer, rocking an Audrey Hepburn or Amy Winehouse vibe.
这也有点像真实生活中(的事情) 。几年前街上流行前沿的时尚芭蕾舞鞋,似乎漫不经心地旋转中便带有奥黛丽·赫本或艾米·怀恩豪斯的气质,为整个夏日带来了快乐 。
But anyone who has tried wearing ballet flats all day, whether in Cannes or Camden, will know that they are not adapted to pavement living. Every single bit of grit makes itself felt through the flexible soles, so that after a couple of hours you start to resemble another of Andersen’s heroines, the Little Mermaid, whose every step cut her feet to bloody ribbons.
无论是在戛纳还是在卡姆登的(典礼上),那些一整天都穿着芭蕾平底鞋的人,并不适应路面(的走路) 。勇敢地穿上灵活的鞋底(的舞鞋),但几小时后,你开始变得像是安徒生的另一个女主人公,小美人鱼,她每走一步都将脚上的丝带染红 。
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