A great film can change national sentiment and give a human face to an intangible problem. Or, in one take, a well-crafted scene can make watchers rethink their entire closet. Sometimes, a piece of clothing or an accessory comes to define a film, redefining perceptions long after the credits have rolled.
一部伟大的电影可以改变民族情感,给予一个人性看待无形问题的视角 。或者在某一瞬、一个精心设计的场景里可以使观影者反思他们的整个衣橱 。有时候,一件衣服或一个物件可以来定义一部电影,在口碑积攒很久之后重新定义视角 。
From Lolita's sunglasses (we obviously had to pay homage to those heart-shaped icons) to Margot Tenenbaum's coat, these aren't mere costumes: They are some of our favorite fashion movie moments of all time.
从洛丽塔的太阳镜(很显然我们心水那些心形物件),到Margot Tenenbaum的大衣,这些都不是纯粹的服装:他们一直是我们最喜欢的时尚电影时刻 。
"Lolita," Heart-Shaped Glasses: While these shades were never actually featured in the film, their marketing use embodied the innocence Lolita exuded.
《洛丽塔》,心形的眼镜:虽然这墨镜从未出现在影片中,他们的营销运用体现了洛丽塔散发的天真 。
"Atonement," Green Gown: This one dress showed it's possible to capture a film's whole story . Both Cecilia's power and temptation, and Briony's envy are embodied in the emerald green.
《赎罪》,绿色长裙:这条裙子显示它可以捕获一部电影的整个故事 。塞西莉亚的权力和诱惑,布莱欧妮的嫉妒都体现在这翠绿中 。
"Basic Instinct," White Sheath Dress: Yes, this is that dress from that scene. Sharon Stone shattered the whole white-symbolizing-purity thing with one crossing of the legs, and this dress is to blame.
《本能》,白鞘礼服:是的,这是来自那一幕的那件衣服 。莎朗•斯通以一双交叉的腿粉碎了白色象征着纯洁的全部,这件衣服是罪魁祸首 。
"Annie Hall," Whole Look: Honestly, Annie Hall's whole vibe is iconic, and choosing one piece of her wardrobe is simply out of the question. A casual blazer, however, blends the dressy quality of her vest with the relaxed feel of her button-downs.
《安妮•霍尔》,全貌:老实说,安妮•霍尔的整体氛围是标志性的,选择她衣柜里的一件是简单解决不了问题的 。一件休闲夹克,然而,融合了她背心的考究品质与衬衫的轻松感觉 。
"Back To The Future," Nike Dunks: Alright, so these were specially made for the film, but Nike did release a very limited number of them a couple years back.
《回到未来》,耐克Dunks鞋:好的,那么这些都是为电影特制的,但几年前耐克发布了限量版 。
"Clueless," Plaid Outfit: "Clueless" is riddled with fantastic fashion, but this look is one of Cher's best. Who else would boldly wear a yellow plaid outfit to school and not think twice? It's ostentatious in the best way possible.
《独领风骚》,格子装:《独领风骚》充斥着奇妙的时尚,但这副装扮是雪儿最好的一次 。还有谁会大胆地穿黄色格子外套去学校,没有三思而后行?这可能是招摇的最佳方法 。
"Flashdance," Pullover: We blame the whole rise of the fashion sweatshirts on Jennifer Beal's off-the-shoulder dancer look.
《闪电舞》,套衫:我们把整个时尚运动衫的兴起归于詹妮弗•比尔的露肩舞者装扮 。
"Pretty in Pink," Duckie's Sunglasses: Like Annie Hall, Duckie's whole wardrobe is fantastic. Yet, it's his sunglasses that stand out the most. They're so good he hardly took 'em off — even at prom. Who cares if he wore them inside, though?
《红粉佳人》,可喜的是太阳镜:像安妮•霍尔,可喜的是整体衣柜是很棒的 。然而,这次他的墨镜最能脱颖而出 。他们是如此好以至于他几乎不拿下来——甚至在舞会上 。谁在乎他是否在屋里也戴着?