Thai Festival Chicago 2015
The great thing about Chicago summers is that they’re filled with all sorts of festivals.I guess since we really only get a few weeks of great weather here, we have to make up for it by packing it all in come summertime. On any given week you can find at least four festivals going on.
芝加哥的夏天最具特色的一点就是:各种各样的节庆贯穿整个夏季 。我想可能是由于芝加哥只有几个星期的好天气,使得我们不得不把所有的活动都安排在了夏季 。夏季的每个星期都至少有四个节庆活动 。
My favorite festivals are the cultural ones. From Japanese and Chinese to German and Irish, almost all cultural enclaves in Chicago are represented by a festival at some point during the summer. To me this is great as it only helps to foster cultural understanding.
我最喜爱的是有关文化的庆祝活动 。从某种程度上讲,芝加哥的夏天,从中国、日本到德国、爱尔兰,几乎每个节日都能代表一种文化风情 。这样能培养我的文化理解力,因此我觉得这样的习俗非常棒 。
I was surprised when my local Thai restaurant handed me a flyer for Thai Festival Chicago. Although this year marked its 15th year, I had no idea this festival even existed.
当当地的泰国饭店递给我一张关于在芝加哥举办泰国庆祝活动的传单时,我感到非常惊讶 。因为虽然今年已经是举办这一活动的第十五个年头了,而我甚至都不知道它的存在 。
Despite having over 30,000 people of Thai decent in the Chicago area, we have no proper Thaitown since the community is rather dispersed. I’m pretty sure most Chicagoan’s knowledge of Thai culture doesn’t exceed a take out menu, which is why I was really intrigued to check out this three-day festival.
尽管芝加哥地区有超过三万名举止得体的泰国居民,但是由于社区分散,却没有形成自己特有的“泰镇” 。我非常确定大部分芝加哥人对泰国文化的了解少之又少,这也是我对考察这次为期三天的庆祝活动感兴趣的原因 。
Sponsored by the Royal Thai Consulate General of Chicago, Thai Festival Chicago kicked off in the heart of the Loop at Federal Plaza with a traditional drum and dance parade.
泰国在芝加哥的庆祝活动由泰国皇家芝加哥总领事馆发起,伴着传统的锣鼓和舞蹈游行仪式在联邦广场的弯道中心拉开帷幕 。
Throughout the afternoon attendees could discover a taste of Thailand through plenty of food stalls offering Thai cuisine, cooking demonstrations and various cultural performances showcasing dance, music and boxing.
纵观下午的参观者,我们可以通过众多提供泰国菜肴、烹饪演示的食物摊位和各种文化演出舞会、音乐以及拳击对泰国用一定的了解 。
One of my favorite performances was actually a fashion show.
实际上我最喜爱的表演之一是时装秀 。
From traditional to modern, from the southern regions to the north, they did an excellent job displaying all different kinds of typical Thai clothing. And the girls looked stunning!
无论是传统的还是现代的,无论是南方地区的还是北方风格的,他们都用最好的状态展示出了不同风格的泰国服饰 。而且走秀的泰国女孩都非常迷人 。
Once the fashion show was over, they went right into a traditional Thai wedding demonstration.
时装秀一结束,模特们就直接去了一个传统的泰国婚礼现场 。
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