日期:2015-08-31 11:13


Some of your favorite fruits can quickly become deadly if ingested in large amounts. Many fruits and their seeds contain trace levels of cyanide and other poisons that can cause extreme discomfort or even have fatal consequences. Lucky for you, we've created this list so you'll know what to watch out for.

10.Yellow Star Fruit


Yellow star fruit is both beautiful and delicious, but as little as 100ml can be deadly for people suffering from kidney problems. The fruit contains a deadly neurotoxin that can have adverse effects on the body's nerves and brain. While people with healthy kidneys have no problem filtering out the neurotoxin, those with bad kidneys can't process it. There have been many reported cases of people suffering from kidney diseases and dialysis patients experiencing extreme poisoning after ingestion of star fruit. Symptoms of star fruit poisoning include vomiting, weakness, intractable hiccups, psycho-motor agitation and mental confusion. Some of the scarier symptoms include death, coma and very long-lasting epileptic seizures. Treatment for star fruit poisoning can be quite tricky because scientists have been unable to officially identify the toxin that makes it deadly.



The ackee is a native West African fruit that's also the national fruit of Jamaica. It's derived from the ackee tree, a huge tropical evergreen that grows to over 40 feet in height. Though the ackee fruit is a staple in Jamaican diets, it's extremely poisonous if improperly eaten. Eating unripened ackee fruit can cause Jamaican vomiting sickness, which can ultimately lead to a coma or death. The ackee is poisonous because in contains hypoglycerin, and thus handlers must be careful when preparing the ackee pods for eating. In fact, the ackee should not be eaten until the ackee's protective outer pods open naturally and turn red.



Elderberries, the beautiful dark blue berries that hang from the bright red branches of the elderberry tree, are a staple in jellies, jams, wine and tea. They're more prevalent in Europe, but have been known to pop-up in popular North American imports. While tasty, the berries are also feared for their poisonous elements. The leaves, seeds and twigs of the elderberry plant contain glycoside, a substances that creates cyanide. Depending on the concentration of glycoside, you could be in a lot of pain upon ingestion. Some of the typical symptoms of elderberry poisoning include coma, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. However, though all parts of the elderberry are poisonous, the plant typically has a low toxicity level.

7.Apricot Seeds


The apricot is a delicious and healthy fruit, but you have to look out for the seeds. Ironically, many believe that apricot seeds can and have been used to cure cancer. This is because the seeds have high levels of vitamin B17, which is an immune system booster. As a result, apricot seeds can be purchased in large quantities at your local health food store or online. The easy purchase of apricot seeds has created a cause for alarm because consuming large doses can be fatal. Their deadly nature is the result of cyanide contained within its seeds.



The manchineel is a round fruit about the size of a tangerine native to Mexico and the Caribbean. It's also known as the "beach apple" and can be quite tasty, but both the fruit and its tree are extremely dangerous even when they make simple contact with you. Ingestion of the fruit can almost immediately bring about esophageal and oral ulcerations as well as severe edema. Furthermore, cervical pain can result when the toxin contained within the manichineel is drained into the regional lymph nodes. When the milky sap from the manichineel tree touches skin it can cause burns, blistering and inflammation. This species of tree also produces contact dermatitis. Even the simple burning of the manichineel tree can cause extreme eye irritation. Caribbean Aboriginals even used to dip their arrows in the sap of the manichineel tree to create a vicious poison.

翻译:漫小飒 来源:前十网
