FindingAsia:Japan Society, NYC
亚洲发现: 纽约日本协会
One of the places I was most looking forward to visiting in New York City was the Japan Society.
纽约日本协会是我最期待的拜访地之一 。
Holding over 100 different events each year, the Japan Society is one of the leading U.S. organizations fostering a mutual understanding and appreciation between Japan and the United States.
日本协会每年举办100多场不同的活动 。它是一个致力于加强日美两国之间互相理解与欣赏的主要美国组织之一 。
Founded in May of 1907 by a group of New Yorkers with a deep adoration for Japan, this nonprofit society has long played a role in strengthening U.S. – Japanese relations. Its expansion into a full-blown arts and culture center in the 1970s was largely thanks to John D Rockefeller III, who was also an avid admirer of Japan.
日本协会是在1907年由一群深深崇拜日本的纽约人创建 。这个非营利的组织长久以来在加深美日关系中起着重要作用 。主要是由于狂热的日本迷约翰·D·洛克菲勒三世的大力帮助,日本协会在20世纪70年代发展成了一个全面的艺术文化中心 。
The building itself was designed by famous Japanese architect Junzo Yoshimura and was the building of Japanese architecture in NYC when it opened in 1971.
该楼在1971年开放,在当时的纽约属于典型的日本建筑风格,由日本著名的建筑师吉村顺三设计 。
Inside it features an impressive three-story indoor bamboo water garden, a large theatre, art gallery, library, the Toyota Language Center and additional conference facilities.
内部构造有最具特色的三层室内水竹园,还有大剧院,美术馆,丰田语言中心以及其他的会议设施 。
Each week they put on an array of programs that touch on?art and culture, language learning, public policy, business and more.
他们每周都举办一系列涉及艺术文化,语言学习,公共政策,日本商业等的活动 。
The theater often hosts all sorts of Japanese films, as well as dance, music, and theatrical performances. And?I wish I had been able to spend more time there as they were actually playing a few movies that I had been wanting to see!
剧院经常放映各种类型的日本电影,也有舞蹈演出,音乐和戏剧表演 。我多么希望可以在那度过更长一段时间,因为剧院播放了一些我很想看的电影 。
For those wishing to learn or practice Japanese, the Toyota Language Center offers 12 different levels of instruction and for those just wanting to know more?about Japan and its unique culture, the library features over 14,000 English-language books.
针对那些想学习或练习日语的人,丰田语言中心提供12种不同程度的语言指导 。对于那些只想更多了解日本和其独特文化的人来说,图书馆提供了超过14000本英文编著的书 。
The Japan Society seems to put on two large exhibitions a year, one in spring and one in fall. While I was there I managed to catch the popular?Life of Cats: Selections from the Hiraki Ukiyo-e Collection, which I had been wanting to see since learning about it months prior.
日本协会基本在每年的春天和秋天共举办2次大型的展览 。我成功的看到了非常有名的猫的生活—Hiraki Ukiyo-e文集中的节选 。我几个月前了解之后就一直想接触一下 。
This exhibition examined the importance of cats in Japan’s history and folklore– which is interesting considering cats are not native to Japan.
Cats first arrived in Japan from China in the mid-sixth century, supposedly on a ship that was carrying sacred Buddhist scriptures. They were quickly adopted as pets and have since infiltrated Japanese hearts, and arts and literature, too.
据说在6世纪一艘装有神圣佛经的,从中国驶往日本的船上也载了猫 。那是猫第一次到达日本 。
And though they were loved,people soon started to discover the mischievous side of cats, and folk tales began to spread about these creatures transforming into demons.
The paradox between a cat’s cute appearance and their innate need for destruction was just one of the five themes explored in the exhibition.
Over 90 rare woodblock prints from the Edo period (1615-1868) were included, which was quite impressive.
展出了江户年间90多种罕见的木板刻画 。令人印象深刻 。
Even though that exhibition is now over, the one opening in September on experimental art and photography sounds just as awesome.
即使展览现在已经结束了,9月的关于实验艺术与摄影的展览听说也是非常棒的 。
If I lived in NYC, I’d be taking advantage of the Japan Society and all its programs. I know I’ll be back.
如果我住在纽约,我一定会充分利用日本协会的,想参加他们所有的活动 。我知道我一定还会回来的 。
When to visit: Monday – Fridays; and weekends during exhibitions
Cost:$12, $10 students and seniors. Free for members, children under 16, and after 6pm on Fridays
费用:12美元 。学生和老年人10美元 。16岁以下儿童及周五六点以后免费 。
Where to visit: 333 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017
Have you experienced Asian culture outside of Asia? Tell me about it in the comments below or share your own photo on social media using the hashtag #FindingAsia!
你在亚洲以外的地方体验过亚洲文化吗?可以在下面的评论中告诉我,或者在社交媒体上用标签#FindingAsia分享你自己的照片 。
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