East China Normal University
General Information
East China Ministry of Normal University(ECNU), under the direct auspices of the Education was founded on October 16,1951 on the site of Great China University with most of its faculties from Great China University joined by some faculties from a number of other universities such as Fudan University and Tongji University and it was the first socialist normal university of the new China.
in 1959,it was listed in the first group of sixteen state key universities and it was one of the thirty-three institutions of highef learning authorized by the State Council as the first group to establish the graduate school.In 1996,the university passed the examination and was listed into the national“Project 211”.In 2006,the minister of Education the Shanghai PJlunicipal Government agreed to jointly build ECNU,which has laid a solid foundation for it to build itself into a world一renowned research-oriented university.
ECNU is located in Shanghai with Minhang Campus and North Zhongshan Road Campus. It occupies a total area of 207 hectares. The library of East China Normal University,with a total area of about 32 000 square meters,was established in October 1951 The collection of books in the library has exceeded 3500000 volumes.
华东师范大学地处上海,现有阂行校区和中山北路校区,校园占地总面积207公顷 学校图书馆建于1951年,现全馆面积约3. 2万平方米,藏书量350余万册。
The University has 19 full-time schools of 44 departments offering 51 undergraduate programs,5 of which,Chinese,History,Mathematics,Geography and Psychology,are on the list of State Training and Research Bases for Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences. Besides,the University has 6 state key programs,1 state key laboratory,6 key laboratories under the Ministry of Education and Shanghai City,6 key research bases for humanities and social sciences approved by the Ministry of Education,and over 140 research institutes and a number of multi-disciplinary research experiment,computing and testing centers. The Graduate School offers 14 doctoral programs in the first level,116 doctoral programs in the second level,8 master's programs in the first level 170 master's programs in the second level including Master's Degree of Education and MPA)and has 10 mobile post-doctoral research stations.
ECNU has a well-balanced faculty team with excellent academic capability. Among the 4500 faculties,there are 1700 fulltime teachers,1100 full professors and associate professors,12 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering(6 of them belong to both academies),6 specially-invited professors or lecture professors on“Cheungkong Scholars Program”,13 teachers selected by national“Millions of Talents program”,10 recipients of National Outstanding Youth Foundation49 specially-invited professors or lecture professors on“Zijiang Scholars Program" of ECNU,and 90 lifelong professors of ECNU.
学校师资力量雄厚,现有教职4500余人,其中专任教师1700余人,教授及其他高级职称教师1100余人;中国科学院和中国工程院院士12人 含双聘院士6人),教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授、讲座教授6人,新世纪“百千万人才工程”国家级人选13人,国家杰出青年基金获得者10人,华东师范大学“紫江学者奖励计划”特聘教授讲座教授49人,华东师范大学终身教授90人
ECNU has the total enrollment of 45000 students,25 900 of them are fulltime students,including 13 600 undergraduate students,9 800 graduates for master's or doctoral degrees,and 2 500 foreign students. Today,teachers and students are striving to build ECNU into world-renowned first-rate university with several first-rate disciplines and the harmonious development of multi-disciplines,leading in the development of China's education of teachers
全校有各类学生45000余名,其中全日制在校学生25 900余名,包括全日制本专科生13 600余名,研究生9 1300余名,外国留学生 2500余名。华东师范大学全校师生正豪情满怀地朝着“拥有若干一流学科、多学科协调发展、引领中国教师教育发展的世界知名的高水平大学”的中长期发展目标奋进
Glorious History
1951 East China Normal University was founded on the basis of Daxia University and Guanghua University.
1972 It was again joined with Shanghai Teachers Institute,Shanghai Education Institute,Shanghai Physical Education institute,Shanghai in-Service-Teachers Institote and was renamed Shanghai Normal University.
1978 The above institutes separated again.
1980 ECNU regained its original name.
1997 Shanghai Education Institute Shanghai Second Education Institute and Shanghai Preschool ducation College were amalgamated into ECNU.