Gunther Was On The Show Way Before Being Given Any Lines or a Name
Gunther became quite the breakout character, but James Michael Taylor actually wasn’t a working actor when cast. He was a barista at a coffee shop, and it was that very profession that got his foot in the door.
甘瑟(Gunther)这个人物一炮而红,但詹姆斯·迈克尔·泰勒(James Michael Taylor)在扮演这个角色时并非专业演员。他是一家咖啡店的侍应,而正是这份职业让他获得了出演这部电视剧的机会。
He told Buzzfeed in 2014, ”I had a job at a coffee shop called the Bourgeois Pig in Hollywood, which is still around and one of the last independent coffee shops that hasn’t been taken over or whatnot. I was one of their first baristas–I think I started there in 1990 or so.”
2014年,他在BuzzFeed(译注:BuzzFeed是一个美国的新闻聚合网站)上说:“我曾在好莱坞一家名为‘布尔乔亚小猪(Bourgeois Pig)’的咖啡店工作,这家店现在还在营业,而且是最后的独立咖啡店之一,还没有被接管或怎么样。我是他们的第一批店员——我记得大约从1990年起我就在那里工作了。”
Assistant director Joel Wang vetted Taylor to be on set as an unnamed background character to mime working an espresso machine “…just so it would look authentic.” It wasn’t until season 2 that Taylor’s character was given the name “Gunther” or that he even got to have any lines! Gunther quickly became a fan favorite, particularly when the character’s obvious infatuation with Rachel was introduced. Of course, Rachel never reciprocated (or even seemed very aware of) Gunther’s feelings, but it was certainly fun to watch.
副导演乔·王(Joel Wang)想让泰勒扮演一个无名的背景人物,假装在咖啡机前工作,“这样看起来比较真实”。直到第二季,泰勒饰演的人物才有了名字——“甘瑟”,或者说他才有了自己的台词!甘瑟很快就成了粉丝的宠儿,特别是当这个角色对瑞秋表现出一片痴心的时候。当然,瑞秋从未回报过(甚至似乎并未意识到)甘瑟的感情,但这也确实是电视剧的一个笑点。
For the first four seasons, Taylor maintained his day job as a barista, because he wasn’t sure if he would remain a permanent fixture on the show. Once it became clear that he was, he quit graciously, feeling it wasn’t “right” to take shifts from fellow baristas when he realized he had a steady gig on Friends.