Joey and Monica Were Supposed to Be the Main Couple
Courtney Cox and Matt Leblanc were supposed to be the romantic leads
As all of us hardcore Friends fans know, the main couple of the show that pulled at our heartstrings and demanded our attention with their on-again, off-again romance throughout the series was Ross and Rachel. I can remember when these two stole my heart right from the pilot as we all watched Rachel—who had moved in with Monica after going all runaway bride on her dentist fiancee—clamor with the sudden 180 her life had taken as Ross awkwardly (i.e., adorably) tried to compose himself around a girl he had had a crush on since high school.
However, unbeknownst to many, that coupling was actually never supposed to happen or even considered by the writers before the series aired. The creators decided to begin a romantic storyline arc between Ross and Rachel when they saw the chemistry between David Schimmer and Jennifer Aniston.
然而,很多人并不知道的是,这对情侣本来是完全不在计划中的,在《老友记》播出之前,编剧甚至完全没有考虑过这一对。但在创作人看到大卫·修蒙(David Schimmer,罗斯的扮演者)和珍妮佛·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston,瑞秋的扮演者)之间的化学反应后,就决定开始发展罗斯与瑞秋之间的浪漫爱情故事线。
Originally, the main romantic storyline was meant to be between Joey and Monica, but that never developed, thank goodness. The character of Monica had a string of romances on the show, including a notable storyline that involved her and guest star Tom Selleck, who played ophthalmologist Richard Burke. The chemistry between Cox and Selleck was undeniable, and their character’s age difference—along with the fact that Richard knew Monica because he was a friend of her father’s—added to the intrigue of the coupling, and a slew of hilariously uncomfortable situations for both. Monica and Richard would later break up (it was so heartbreaking!) during Barry and Mindy’s wedding in season two due to the fact that Richard did not want to have children and Monica did.
事实上,浪漫的故事情节原本设定发生在乔伊(Joey)和莫妮卡(Monica)之间,但谢天谢地,最后并没有这样发展。莫妮卡这个角色在戏里有着一长串的罗曼史,包括她和客串明星汤姆·塞莱克(Tom Selleck)扮演的眼科专家理查德·伯克(Richard Burke)之间引人注目的感情线。考克斯和塞莱克之间的化学反应是不可否认的,包括他们的角色之间的年龄差——理查德是莫妮卡父亲的朋友,这才认识了莫妮卡。巨大的年龄差反倒增强了两人之间的相互吸引力,但同时也带来了很多尴尬的状况。莫妮卡和理查德在第2季、巴里(Barry)和明迪(Mindy)的婚礼上分手了(多么令人心碎!),因为理查德不想要孩子,而莫妮卡却与之相反。
All is well that ends well, however. In the season 4 finale, it is revealed that Monica and Chandler have what was meant to be a one night stand in London during Ross’s wedding to Emily (who we all disliked of course because Ross is meant to be with Rachel, duh). As we all remember (or if you don’t, you seriously need to do some binge watching), this hook up led to several more hookups, a series of hilarious incidents where Chandler and Monica attempt to hide their relationship and the eventual reveal of their relationship to all of the gang. The two went on to become engaged, get married and ended up adopting twins by the series’ end. Chandler and Monica forever, am I right??
Courtney Cox Turned Down the Role of Rachel