NBC is planning to announce Thursday that Brian Williams will not return to his position as the anchor of its “Nightly News” show, four months after the network suspended him for exaggerating his role in a helicopter incident in Iraq, according to two people briefed on the discussions.
两名知情者透露,NBC将于周四宣布陷入争议的新闻主播布莱恩·威廉姆斯(Brian Williams)不再担任《NBC晚间新闻》主播的决定。威廉姆斯因为夸大自己在一次伊拉克美军直升飞机险情中发挥的作用,已被停职了四个月。
Mr. Williams is expected to move to a new role primarily at the cable news network MSNBC, probably in a breaking-news capacity in the beginning, according to one of the people.
Lester Holt, who has been filling in for Mr. Williams as anchor, will take on the position permanently, one person said.
一直以来顶替威廉姆斯做主播的莱斯特·霍尔特(Lester Holt)将正式担任晚间新闻主播的职务。
NBC could not be reached for comment. Mr. Williams’s lawyer, Robert Barnett, declined to comment. News of the decision was first reported by CNN.com.
本报无法联系到NBC接受采访。威廉姆斯的律师罗伯特·巴尼特(Robert Barnett)拒绝对此置评。有关这项决定的新闻最早由CNN网站报道。
The new role is a humbling comedown for Mr. Williams, who before the controversy was one of the country’s most prominent and respected broadcast journalists.
Until early February, Mr. Williams, 56, was riding high as the No. 1 nightly news anchor, drawing close to 10 million viewers a night. His popularity extended beyond the anchor’s chair; with a quick wit and engaging manner, he was a coveted speaker at dinners and panels, and a frequent celebrity guest on entertainment shows.
直到今年2月初,56岁的威廉姆斯还高居晚间新闻节目主持人的榜首,每晚有近1000万人观看他的节目。 他受欢迎的范畴,已经不仅限于他的主播身份。他有急智,有魅力,经常受邀在宴会和研讨会上做演讲,也频繁出任娱乐节目的嘉宾。
But on his newscast on Feb. 4, Mr. Williams admitted that he had embellished his account of being on a helicopter that was hit by enemy fire in 2003, and apologized to viewers. The response put him and NBC on the defensive; military veterans took him to task, and media commentators and viewers claimed he had lost the trust so critical to a network news anchor.
On Feb. 10, Mr. Williams was suspended for six months without pay.
NBC opened an investigation into Mr. Williams, and over the last several months it uncovered as many as 10 to 12 instances where he was thought to have exaggerated or fabricated accounts of his reporting, according to people with knowledge of the inquiry.
The controversy escalated to the very top of the corporation. Stephen B. Burke, NBCUniversal’s chief executive, played a crucial role in deciding Mr. William’s fate at NBC, according to people with knowledge of the deliberations.
这次争议事件在公司内部的重要性不断升级,连公司最高层也参与进来。据知情人士透露,NBC环球的首席执行官斯蒂芬·B·伯克(Stephen B. Burke)在决定威廉姆斯在NBC的命运的决策过程中起到了关键作用。
Television industry executives said that it would have been difficult for Mr. Williams to return to the anchor chair because he lost the trust not only of viewers but also of the people in NBC’s newsroom.
Before the controversy, Mr. Williams, who became “Nightly News” anchor in 2004, succeeding Tom Brokaw, was considered one of the most trusted men not only in the news business but in the country.
威廉姆斯在2004年接任汤姆·布罗考(Tom Brokaw)成为《NBC晚间新闻》节目的主播。此次事件之前,他不仅被认为是新闻界最值得信信赖的人之一,而且是全国最受信赖的人之一。
In February, Mr. Williams ranked as the 23rd-most-trusted person in the country, on par with Denzel Washington, Warren E. Buffett and Robin Roberts. By May, his trust ranking had plummeted to 3,352, near the rapper Eminem and the Playboy tycoon Hugh Hefner, according to the Marketing Arm, a research firm whose celebrity index is closely watched by media and marketing executives.
根据Marketing Arm调研公司公布的数据,今年2月,在全国名人信任度排行榜上,威廉姆斯身居23位,与丹泽尔·华盛顿(Denzel Washington)、沃伦·E·巴菲特(Warren E. Buffett)和罗宾·罗伯茨(Robin Roberts)不相上下;至5月份,他的信任度排名已经跌至3352位,与说唱歌手埃米纳姆(Eminem)和《花花公子》大亨休·海夫纳(Hugh Hefner)相齐平。该公司发布的名人指数受到媒体和市场营销高管的密切关注。
For Mr. Williams, the fact that he is staying at NBCUniversal could be interpreted as something of a victory. Many media executives inside and outside the company had thought his continued employment at NBC was untenable.
A person close to Mr. Williams, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that his supporters saw the decision as, if not quite an exoneration, a signal that any wrongdoing investigated by NBC was not so egregious as to prevent a return.
Other NBC employees were not surprised by the controversy and said that Mr. Williams had a reputation for exaggerating stories. They said he was not widely loved in the newsroom.
The investigation was conducted in an almost legalistic fashion, said one person close to the process. Though there was one work room that had printouts of web jokes featuring Mr. Williams on the walls, the person said, the work was rigorous and detailed. It generated hundreds of pages of material, based partly on interviews with Mr. Williams’s colleagues inside NBC who had firsthand knowledge of his reporting.
据一名知情人士透露,这次调查是以一种接近法律调查的方式进行。他表示,尽管有一个办公间的墙面上贴有打印出来的有关威廉姆斯的网络笑话,但调查工作本身非常严格而详尽。这次调查搜集了数百页资料,其中有部分是基于和NBC内部对威廉姆斯的报道有一手了解的同事的谈话 。
But those who scrutinized the various allegations against Mr. Williams feared, as they were working, that their analysis might be peripheral to any decision that was made, this person said.
Richard Esposito, the senior executive producer for investigations who was leading the effort, did not respond to calls and messages seeking comment Wednesday evening.
牵头进行此次调查的资深执行制作人理查德·埃斯波西托(Richard Esposito)没有接听本报在周三晚上拨打的几次电话,也没有回应请求置评的多条讯息。
Finding an appropriate role for Mr. Williams at NBC posed a challenge, television executives said. Mr. Williams built a reputation as a master storyteller and news reader but wasn’t known for his interviewing skills or journalism chops.
Television executives said that NBC would stand to benefit by keeping Mr. Williams from going to a competitor and talking publicly about the controversy.
In the coming months, MSNBC is expected to introduce more hard news and more reporting from NBC News talent during daytime hours, which would be something of a break from its more opinion-based programming during the evening, according to a person briefed on the plans.
His departure from the anchor chair leaves NBC in an awkward position for the national newscast. In December, Mr. Williams, 55, signed a new five-year contract reportedly worth $10 million a year, and the network was not expecting to have to replace him so soon. No one in the news ranks was being groomed as a successor.
While Mr. Holt has mostly held steady in the ratings, the network has been in a neck-in-neck race for viewers with ABC’s 6:30 p.m. national newscast.
The crisis surrounding Mr. Williams’s embellishments is another blow for the NBC News division.
In the last year, it replaced David Gregory as host of “Meet the Press,” and fired an executive hired to oversee the “Today” show after only 10 weeks. NBC Universal’s cable news channel, MSNBC, also has been saddled by sharply declining ratings.
去年,他们替换了《会见媒体》(Meet the Press)的主持人戴维·格雷戈里(David Gregory),并解雇了一名负责《今日》(Today)节目的主管——在其入职仅十周后。NBC环球旗下的有线新闻频道MSNBC也一直受困于急剧下降的收视率。
In March, NBC hired Andrew Lack to lead its news division as part of a broader shake-up at the top of the management ranks. Mr. Lack previously was president of NBC News from 1993 until 2001.
NBC正在进行更大范围的最高管理层的人事变动。今年3月,NBC聘用安德鲁·拉克(Andrew Lack)领导其新闻部门。此前,拉克曾在1993至2001年间担任NBC新闻台的总裁。