Florence Welch just fought a war, and from the sound of it she’s won, but not without casualty.
On “How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful”, her third album as the face of British indie band Florence and the Machine, Welch, 28, learns to dig her heels into the dirt and spit thunder back at her enemy – heartbreak.
今年28岁的韦尔奇是英国独立乐队“弗洛伦斯与机械乐队”的主唱兼门面担当(因此人称“机器姐”)。在他们的第三张专辑 “How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful”中,机器姐终于学会在泥泞中前行,将雷鸣还给敌人——那颗受伤之心。
The album’s opener has Welch turning inward, questioning if she always knew her relationship would crumble.
That contemplative mood lasts approximately four minutes. By the second track, Welch is already puffing out her chest and readying to unleash her voice, a weapon known to knock flat anyone who hears it. Not much later, she’s deep in the trenches.
在这首近4分钟的歌曲中,沉思的氛围始终弥漫。不过,第二首歌中,韦尔奇就已经敞开胸怀,不再压抑自己的声音,那如武器一般强有力的歌声扑面而来,让所有听歌之人为之倾倒。无需多时,机器姐就已身处 “战壕”深处。
Florence and the Machine probably didn’t set out to prove they could score the next Hollywood blockbuster, but that’s what they’ve done here. This album sounds so big you can practically see Welch charging toward the frontlines. It’s the kind of music that can and eventually will blow the roof off the top of a stadium, and that’s not entirely positive. Horns, drums and guitars advance so powerfully at times that you, the listener, might feel you’re the enemy.
All that noise might get Welch’s ferocity across, but her quieter emotions get lost somewhere in the background. It’s the quieter emotions that add human form to a heartbreak album, and it’s disappointing that you’re often left digging through the rubble to find them.
Noise complaints aside, however, it feels natural to cheer Welch on as she struggles out of grief.
Songwriting on the album is uplifting and encouraging. This is never truer than on “Third Eye”, a track that finds Welch’s conscience boldly demanding she quit brooding, realize her own worth and clad herself in newfound toughness. It’s the album’s high point, and it’s great listening to her shake off defeat.
这张新专的词曲积极向上、鼓舞人心。在“Third Eye”一歌中,机器姐不再郁郁寡欢地沉思,而是大胆实现自己的价值,让自己变得更加坚韧。这首歌堪称整张专辑的高潮,听到她走出失败的阴影让人感到振奋。
“How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful” shouts that it’s bravery that mends a broken heart, and by the album’s end, it’s clear Florence Welch has bravery deep in her bones.
机器姐在”How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful”中大声宣布,能修复一颗受伤之心的只有勇气。无疑,在专辑的尾声部分,勇气已在机器姐心中生根发芽。