It's been months since I have been to the gym. I really noticed how out of shape I am when I was hiking last weekend. We climbed a couple of big, long hill and I could hardly breathe by the time we got to the top.
It's obvious I have been inside watching TV all winter! My legs are so sore from overdoing it last weekend. I can barely walk up or down the stairs.
I don't mind a little bit of muscle soreness. It felt so good to be outside in the fresh air with all the smells and sights of nature.
But I realize now that it is time to get back to the gym and get regular exercise. I love feeling fit, healthy and active. I may even start training for a 10K race. There's one in May that looks really fun.
It's a beautiful route, through the city and along the waterfront. That would definitely give me the motivation I need to stick with an exercise program. It help to have a goal to work toward.
Okay. I'm putting my runnig shoes on now. My new fitness program starts tonight.