More than four million people now work from home as technological advances reduces the need to travel to an office.
Official data reveals one in seven people in employment now work from home, compared to one in eight a decade ago.
There are now 4.2 million working from home, 800,000 more than in 2005.
The increase was driven by a rise in women working at home, with the number of female homeworkers jumping three times faster than for men.
It comes as more women try to find flexible working arrangements to fit around childcare, and follows a rise in the number of female entrepreneurs.
Since 2005, the number of women working from home has risen by 2.7 per cent compared to 0.9 per cent for men.
However, while one in six men work from home, only one in nine women do so, meaning they still lag behind the home-working trend.
This is mostly thought to be because women are less likely to be self-employed.
Using figures from the Office for National Statistics’ surveys and data, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) estimated that a further 1.8 million people would like to work from home if they could.
根据英国国家统计局(Office for National Statistics)的调查与数据,英国工会联盟( Trades Union Congress )估计如果条件允许的话,另有超过180万的上班族希望在家办公。
It found that homeworking was most common among the information and communications industry, with more than one in six working outside an office, followed by the professional, scientific and technical sectors.
Only one in 14 people working in education and retail worked from home, rising to one in 12 for those in health.
More senior workers are also more likely to be allowed to work from home. One in five managers are homeworkers compared to one in 15 workers in less senior roles.
Phil Flaxton, of Work Wise UK, which campaigns for more home-working, said: ‘While there has been a significant increase in regular homeworking since 2005, clearly more needs to be done to convince some employers that implementing new working practices can result in a win-win situation for both their business and their employees.
致力于推动在家办公的Work Wise UK机构的Phil Flaxton说,“尽管从2005年开始,从事家庭办公的占比大幅上升,但仍需多做努力,让雇主相信实行新型工作形式将会呈现惠及业务以及员工的双赢局面。”
‘Thanks to modern technology, introducing efficient flexible working processes can be done both quickly and easily, but trust in transition remains a major issue.
‘Work is something you do, not somewhere you go, and adopting a flexible culture has been proven to cut down on wasted time and cost.
‘Trust, and perceived impact on culture, are however the main barriers to change, not technology.
‘Many organisations have already woken up to the fact that they can attract and retain talented staff by offering a flexible approach to work.’