An amputee who was cruelly nicknamed 'peg-leg' by school bullies has conquered her insecurities to become a model。
英国有位截肢姑娘,她读书时经常被同学取笑、还有人给她起了个外号“木桩腿”。 如今,她已经成功战胜各种不安全因素成为了一名模特。
Taylor Crisp, 19, from Leicester, was born with femur fibula ulna syndrome, which left her with a shortened femur on her right leg, no kneecap or ankle and a missing toe, had to have leg amputated at 15 after an MRSA infection。
After years of bullying and self-loathing, Taylor found her confidence when she joined a modelling agency. 'I've never been more confident in my body - I feel like nothing can hold me back now,' she said。
'Now, I just want to inspire people who feel different. I want to let them know that they're not alone, and they don't need to be 'perfect' to achieve great things.'
Taylor, who was subjected to cruel taunts in her younger years because of her heavy limp, said: 'I was such an anxious child, and the constant taunts made me feel miserable。
'But I tried to put on a brave face and rise above them.'
She used to be ashamed of her size and disability and hid herself away. But that all changed when at 17 she discovered the Suicide Girls, an alternative modelling group with models of all hapes and sizes。
With encouragement from a Suicide Girls model, Taylor took part in her first photoshoot in 2014.
Today, Taylor models lingerie and wedding dresses, as well as alternative clothing。
She said: 'Modelling really pushed me out of my shell, and after the first photoshoot I decided to just go for it and see what happened。
'I've had some bad experiences - one of the worst was a photographer who tried to Photoshop my leg back on. People target my social media accounts, too - I've been told I'm not a real model and I have no dignity. It gets me down, of course, but I'm doing what makes me happy - it's easy to rise above the abuse when I read all the positive comments.'
Taylor now models under the name 'Real Life Pirate', with a prosthetic leg。
泰勒现在装备了一只假腿,以“Real Life Pirate”之名担任模特。
Since her modelling career has taken off, it has given her the confidence to start dating, and she enjoys a relationship with former school friend Jordan Saliba, 20, a manager at TopMan。
自从她的模特生涯步入正轨,她也开始有信心和男人约会了。她以前学校里的朋友Jordan Saliba今年20岁了、是TopMan的经理,现在他们正在相恋、她很享受。