10 People Immortalized As Foods
Over time, plenty of place names have become attached to food. For example, Hamburg got the hamburger and Brussels got the Brussels sprout. But more rarely, a person's name would be immortalized in cuisine. Listverse wrote about eggs Benedict and others in a previous list, but there are more!
在漫漫时间长河中,相当多的地名都与食物名紧密相关。例如,德国汉堡市(Hamburg)市名就取自汉堡包(hamburger),比利时的布鲁塞尔(Brussels)得名于球芽甘蓝(Brussels sprout)。更为罕见的是,一个人的名字或许会作为一道菜系而永垂不朽。除以上述例子外,本文列出了班尼迪克鸡蛋(eggs Benedict)以及更多吃货们不可不知的,取自名人之名的食物。
10. Richard Williams And Enoch Bartlett
10.理查德·威廉姆斯(Richard Williams)和艾诺克·巴勒特
Outside of Asia, the most common variety of pear is the Williams pear, a special offshoot of the European pear tree species. It's named after Richard Williams, who raised the trees in his nursery and spread them across England. It's said that the first ones came from the yard of a schoolmaster in the village of Aldermaston.
在亚洲以外的地区,最常见的梨当属威廉姆斯梨(Williams pear),。这种梨是欧洲梨种的一个特殊分支。一位名叫理查德·威廉姆斯的人,他不仅在果园种植这种梨,还将它们传播到了整个英格兰,所以世人将此梨定名威廉姆斯梨。据说第一批威廉姆斯梨还产自奥尔德玛斯顿村(Aldermaston)一名老师的园圃里。
An American named James Carter (not the peanut-farming President) brought several Williams pear trees to the United States. They were planted on land owned by Thomas Brewer in Roxbury, Massachusetts. That land ended up in the hands of one Enoch Bartlett, who sold the pears and spread them across North America. Maybe he didn't know they already had a name, or maybe he just ignored that minor fact, but he called them Bartlett pears and the name stuck. It's what North Americans call them to this day.
后来,一位叫詹姆斯·卡特(James Carter) 的美国人将威廉姆斯梨引进了美国,并将它们种在位于马萨诸塞州罗克斯伯(Roxbury, Massachusetts)市一位名叫托马斯·布鲁(Thomas Brewer) 的农场主的土地里。可这块地很快被艾诺克·巴勒特(Enoch Bartlett)接手,他将梨销往北美各地。也许他并不知道该梨已经“芳名有主”,又或是他故意忽略这个事实,于是他就“任性”地把这种梨叫“巴勒特梨”(Bartlett pears)。巴勒特梨就作为该梨的名字在北美沿用至今了。
9. Otto Von Bismarck
9. 奥托·冯·俾斯麦(Otto Von Bismarck)
Jelly-filled doughnuts (with no doughnut hole) originated in Germany, where they were traditionally eaten to celebrate New Year's Eve and the carnival days before Lent (Rose Monday and Shrove Tuesday). They're usually frosted with icing, topped with whipped cream, or sprinkled with sugar. The filling could actually be jelly, jam, chocolate, custard, or something else.
果酱甜甜圈(Jelly-filled doughnuts)原产于德国,是一种在欢庆新年除夕与大斋节(Lent)前狂欢时吃的传统甜点(译注:大斋节,自圣灰星期天开始至复活节前的40天,在此期间进行斋戒和忏悔)。通常,甜甜圈表面会裹上糖衣,淋上些许奶油,再撒上白糖。而甜滋滋的果酱、巧克力、蛋奶糊等都可作为酱心原料。
German immigrants brought many of their traditions to North America, including the jelly-filled doughnut. Some North Americans call them Bismarcks (or Bismarks). Other North Americans call them jelly doughnuts or jam busters. There's no known record of how the word Bismarck was first applied to the snack, but Otto von Bismarck was a world-renowned German in the 1800s. He was first Chancellor of Germany, and many American things were named after him, including the capital of North Dakota.
德国移民者移居北美时带了许多本国的传统习俗,其中也包括果酱甜甜圈。有的北美人称其为俾斯麦(Bismarcks),而有的人就直呼果酱甜甜圈或果酱饼。虽然为何以俾斯麦命名这种甜点已无证考究。可是,奥托·冯·俾斯麦(Otto Von Bismarck)乃19世纪名震天下的日耳曼人,德意志帝国史上首位宰相,并且许多美国的地名、物名等都以俾斯麦冠名,其中就包括美国北达科州(North Dakota)的首府。
There's also an entirely different food known as a Bismarck! That would be the Dutch baby pancake, a sweet, light, hollow roll (popover) normally served at breakfast. Despite their name, they were invented by a restaurant in Seattle.
还有一种有与之完全不同的食物被称作俾斯麦的!那就是作为普通早点的荷兰小煎饼 (the Dutch baby pancake),一种味道香甜,口感薄脆,呈空心卷状的淡烤酥饼。名虽如此,但此饼却是由西雅图的一家餐厅发明的。
8. Ah Bing
Ah Bing was born in Manchuria, China in the first half of the 19th century. He eventually traveled to America and around 1855 he found work in the orchards of the Lewelling family near Milwaukie, Oregon. Over time, he became a foreman, overseeing 30 other workers.
阿兵出生于19世纪上半叶的中国满洲,后来他前往美国,大约1855年的时候他在莱韦灵家族靠近俄勒冈州密尔沃基市(Milwaukie, Oregon)的果园找到了一份工作。随着时间的推移,他成为了果园的领班,带领着30个工人。
Seth Lewelling, the brother of the original orchard founder, was a horticulturist who was very good at developing new varieties of cherry. In 1860, he grew the first Black Republican cherry tree (the name sounds strange now, but meant something different then). In 1875, a Black Republican planting produced a promising seedling—the cherries were so big that some people mistook them for crabapples! Seth named the new variety the Bing cherry, after his foreman.
赛斯·莱韦灵(Seth Lewelling)是果园最初创始人的兄弟,也是一位擅长培育新品种樱桃树的园艺家。他于1860年培育了第一棵黑共和党樱桃树(名字听起来很奇怪吧!但是却有不同的意义在里面)。在1875年,这种黑共和党樱桃树结出了一批前景很好的果实——结出的樱桃太大了以至于有人将其误认为是山楂!赛斯采用了领班的名字Bing来命名这种新的樱桃,将其称作“冰”樱桃。
Over time, the Bing cherry became very popular, and it's still the most produced variety of sweet cherry in the USA. In 1889, Ah Bing returned to China to visit his family. The US government's Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 prevented him from returning to America.
7. A Boy Named Henry
The Oh Henry! is a candy bar containing fudge, peanuts, and caramel. It's made by Nestle in the USA and by Hershey in Canada (the two versions are actually a little bit different). The official history (from the Nestle and Hershey Canada websites) says that the original Oh Henry! bar was introduced in 1920, by the Williamson Candy Company of Chicago.
“哦,亨利”是一种含有乳脂软糖、花生以及焦糖的糖块,它是由雀巢公司在美国和加拿大的赫尔希(Hershey)公司生产的(这两个公司生产的亨利糖块实际上有点不一样)。官方的历史(来自雀巢和赫尔希加拿大网站)表示,最初的亨利糖是由芝加哥威廉姆森糖果公司于1920 年引进的。
“The bar was named after a boy who used to come into the Williamson Candy Company factory to flirt with the girls making candy. Every time the girls needed to have something done, they would call ‘Oh Henry!' ”
Aww, how sweet. Is it true, though? There are other stories. One says that George Williamson (the founder of the candy company) enjoyed the short stories of William Sydney Porter, who wrote under the pen name O. Henry. Another story says the candy bar was originally developed by, and named after, Tom Henry, a candy maker who would help others improve their candy bars. One thing is certain—it wasn't named after King Henry VIII.
哇哦,多么甜蜜的故事啊!然而这是真的吗?关于这种糖名字的由来还有很多其他的故事版本。其中一个版本是说,乔治 · 威廉姆森(糖果公司的创始人)非常欣赏用“哦,亨利”作为笔名的作家——威廉悉尼 · 波特写的短篇故事。另外一个故事版本是说,这种糖果最初是由一个叫汤姆.亨利的人发明的,他是一位帮助别人改进他们的糖果的糖果制造商。而不论是到底哪一版本是才真的,我们可以肯定的是,这种糖果的名字一定与亨利八世无关。
6. Brother Marie-Clement
Vital Rodier was born in central France in the early 19th century. In 1859, he traveled to northern Algeria and joined the Brothers of the Annunciation, a Catholic organization of which his uncle was already a member. He became Brother Marie-Clement. The brotherhood ran an orphanage, which Rodier helped to manage.
维塔·罗迪尔(Vital Rodier)于十九世纪早期出生在法国中部。1859年,他在游历北阿尔及利亚期间加入了报喜兄弟会(the Brothers of the Annunciation)。报喜兄弟会是一个天主教组织,罗迪尔的叔叔也是其中的一员。在那里,他成为教友玛利亚·克莱门特。之后,罗迪尔帮助其他教友管理着一家孤儿院。
The orphanage included a large farm, and Brother Marie-Clement soon took a keen interest in horticulture. At some point, he either developed or discovered a new variety of citrus fruit (it may actually have originated in the Orient). The French botanist Louis Trabut noted the new variety and recommended it be called the Clementine in honor of Marie-Clement.
该孤儿院有一块大农场,很快克莱门特就对园艺产生了浓厚的兴趣。在某一时刻,他发现了一个新的柑橘品种(这个新品种实际上很可能原产于东方)。为了表彰玛利亚·克莱门特的杰出贡献,法国植物学家路易斯·特哈布特(Louis Trabut)在记录这个新品种的柑橘时将它命名为“克莱门特蒂娜柑橘”(Clementine)。
Clementines are also sometimes called Christmas oranges, because their peak season is November through January. They were once thought to be a hybrid of a mandarin and a bitter orange, but modern genetic studies have confirmed that they're a hybrid of mandarins and sweet oranges.
“克莱门特蒂娜柑橘”(Clementine)也被称为圣诞柑橘(Christmas oranges),因为它主要在每年十一月至来年的一月期间上市。最初,人们认为它是由柑橘和一种苦橙杂交而来的。但是,现代基因学研究证明,它其实是柑橘和一种甜橙的杂交品种。