Will a magnet really destroy your smartphone?
Do magnets actually pose a terrifying risk to our gadgets, and where did we get the idea that they’re dangerous in the first place?
Let’s find out.
This more than likely stems from old electronic devices, such as CRT monitors and televisions, which were susceptible to magnetic fields, explains Matt Newby from first4magnets, "When placing a strong magnet near one of these you could distort the picture. Thankfully, modern televisions and monitors aren’t susceptible in this way."
“老式电子设备如 CRT 显示器和电视机易受磁场影响,”first4magnets公司的马特·纽比解释道,“当你在这些设备附件放置强力磁铁时,画面可能会变形。不过值得庆幸的是,现代电视机和显示器不易受到此种影响。”
Most modern electronics, like our smartphones, are not going to be adversely affected by small magnets; but is that all there is to it?
How do magnets affect smartphones?
The vast majority of magnets that you come across day to day, even many of the super-strong ones on the market, will have no adverse effect on your smartphone, says Matt, "In fact, within the device there will be a number of very small magnets which perform important functions.For example, the new Apple Watch uses a magnetic inductive wireless charging system."
However, before you get carried away and start rubbing magnets all over your smartphone, there is something else to consider.
Matt warned that magnetic fields can temporarily interfere with the digital compass and magnetometer inside your smartphone, and that’s more serious than you may think.
The engineers over at K&J Magnetics actually experimented with an iPhone to show how the sensors inside can be affected by a magnet.
其实,K&J Magnetics工程师已经用iPhone进行了实验,来检测磁铁会如何影响iPhone内部的传感器。
The problem we found is that a nearby magnet will affect the internal magnetic sensors inside the phone. The compass won’t read correctly, explained Michael Paul, an engineer at K&J, "What’s worse, if you stick a strong magnet to the phone, you could slightly magnetize some steel components inside, making them act like weak magnets. This can make it difficult to properly calibrate the compass."
“我们发现附近的磁铁会影响手机内部的磁性传感器。造成指南针失常,”K&J Magnetics的工程师Michael Paul解释道,“更糟糕的如果你在手机旁放置强力磁铁,里面的一些钢构件会稍稍磁化,他们会变成弱磁铁。这样指南针便难以正确校对。”
You might think it’s unimportant because you never use the compass app, but that doesn’t mean other apps aren’t relying on the same sensor.
Google (GOOGL, Tech30) Maps, for example, uses the sensor to detect which way the phone is facing, and a number of games also rely on it to work out your orientation.
It seems as though magnets aren’t likely to kill your smartphone, but there’s definitely a possibility they’ll mess some pretty important aspects up, so why take the risk?